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David Blinder is a professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and a JSPS International Research Fellow at Chiba University, with over ten years of experience in optics, signal processing, and computer science. He is affiliated with the ETRO department and imec, a leading nanoelectronics and digital technologies research institute.

His research focuses on signal processing in photonics and holography, covering topics such as numerical diffraction, time–frequency analysis, data compression, computational imaging, image and video processing, optical setups, holographic displays, computer graphics, inverse methods, and high-performance computing. He is the lead editor of the JPEG Pleno Holography standard, a new format for efficient representation and transmission of holographic data. He has (co-)authored over 100 international peer-reviewed scientific publications and patent applications and has received multiple awards and honors for his work. He is also a polyglot and a lecturer with over ten years of teaching experience in various courses related to his expertise.


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