Foto van Ebru Akgun
  • Pleinlaan 2

    1050 Brussels


  • Pleinlaan 2

    1050 Brussel



Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

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Ebru is conducting joint doctoral research in political science and sociology at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Universiteit Antwerpen and she is a YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) scholar. Her research interests are: social and political philosophy, constitutional law, comparative politics, nationalism, sustainability and circular economy, socio-ecological systems theory, anthropology of food and agriculture, economic anthropology, land-use, aquatic systems, natural disasters and crisis management.

She obtained an MSc degree in Sustainable Development from KU Leuven, Belgium, where she also studied Social and Cultural Anthropology. She holds a BA degree in Political Science and Public Administration and a part-time conservatory degree in Music from Bilkent University, Turkey. She speaks Turkish, English, Dutch, French, and German and she is a beginner in Greek, and Portuguese.


PhD Research under the supervision of Prof. Dr.Dave Sinardet and Prof. Dr. Anne Bergmans 

The (re)-constructions of nationhood: Political discourse analysis of the flood, earthquake and flood post-disaster scenes of Belgium, Turkey, and the United States

Disasters generate extensive disruptions and uncertainty in social cohesion and interaction. Different political, social and material dimensions come together in the process of recovery. As part of this, the idea of nationhood is often rallied as to make sense of the situation and improve the efficacy of organising mobilisation and solidarity. Differently than the daily ‘banal’ and latent routines of representing nationhood, such rallying deliberately and explicitly (re)-constructs the nation. In that sense, politicians’ discourses are central in manifesting often competing symbols and narratives associated with the nation. Embracing a qualitative methodology, this research aims to explore how the post-disaster scene becomes a space where the nation is (re-)constructed in political discourse in the post disaster scenes of the floods in the Walloon region of Belgium in 2021, the earthquake in the Southeastern Turkey in 2023, and the wildfires in Hawaii, USA in 2023 and Mediterranean Turkey in 2021. While doing that, it identifies the supplementary research objectives as: to demonstrate the history of nation building and the contemporary political cleavages in the identified countries as well as the socio-ecological realities of the identified disaster events; to identify and analyse the symbols embedded in political narratives within the context of different post-disaster events; to analyse politicians’ discursive strategies by using Fairclough’s three-dimensional critical discourse analysis; and to compare the research findings within the identified countries in the same disaster context.  



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