Projecten per jaar
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
FWOTM1218: Een theorie over delegatie en hybride interacties met kunstmatige intelligente systemen
Fernandez Domingos, E., Nowe, A. & Lenaerts, T.
1/10/24 → 30/09/27
Project: Fundamenteel
FWOSB26: FWO-SB-Beurs: Coördinatie tussen menselijk gedrag en artificiële agenten in strategische situaties met een collectief risico
Lenaerts, T. & Fernandez Domingos, E.
1/01/17 → 31/12/20
Project: Fundamenteel
Committing to the wrong artificial delegate in a collective-risk dilemma is better than directly committing mistakes
Terrucha, I., Fernández Domingos, E., Simoens, P. & Lenaerts, T., 7 mei 2024, In: Scientific reports. 14, 1, 13 blz., 10460.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand2 Citaten (Scopus)2 Downloads (Pure) -
The art of compensation: How hybrid teams solve collective-risk dilemmas
Terrucha, I., Domingos, E. F., Santos, F. C., Simoens, P. & Lenaerts, T., feb 2024, In: PLOS ONE. 19, 2, 17 blz., e0297213.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access1 Citaat (Scopus) -
EGTtools: Evolutionary game dynamics in Python
Fernández Domingos, E., Santos, F. C. & Lenaerts, T., 21 apr 2023, In: iScience. 26, 4, 19 blz., 106419.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand9 Citaten (Scopus)28 Downloads (Pure) -
Delegation to artificial agents fosters prosocial behaviors in the collective risk dilemma
Fernández Domingos, E., Terrucha, I., Suchon, R., Grujić, J., Burguillo, J. C. & Lenaerts, T., 19 mei 2022, In: Scientific Reports. 12, 1, 12 blz., 8492.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access10 Citaten (Scopus) -
Inferring Strategies from Observations in Long Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Experiments
Montero, E., Grujic, J., Fernandez Domingos, E. & Lenaerts, T., 19 jul 2022.Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Data from: Delegation to artificial agents fosters prosocial behaviors in the collective risk dilemma
Fernandez Domingos, E. (Creator), Terrucha, I. (Creator), Suchon, R. (Creator), Grujic, J. (Creator), Burguillo, J. C. (Creator) & Lenaerts, T. (Creator), DRYAD, 18 mei 2022
Timing uncertainty in collective risk dilemmas encourages group reciprocation and polarization
Lenaerts, T. (Creator), Grujic, J. (Creator), Fernandez Domingos, E. (Creator), Santos, F. C. (Creator), Burguillo, J. C. (Creator) & Kirchsteiger, G. (Creator), DRYAD, 30 nov 2020
Best poster Award
Lenaerts, Tom (Recipient) & Fernandez Domingos, Elias (Recipient), 2021
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Research visit at the University of Vigo in Spain
Elias Fernandez Domingos (Participant)
3 feb 2020 → 2 mei 2020Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Learning Dynamics in uncertain collective endeavours
Elias Fernandez Domingos (Speaker)
29 jul 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
How can AI help us increase cooperation to avoid the consequences of the climate change
Elias Fernandez Domingos (Participant)
18 jun 2019Activiteit: Other
Climate Change, Uncertainty and the Collective-Risk Dilemma
Elias Fernandez Domingos (Speaker)
26 mrt 2019Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation
Human reciprocation and polarization in managing of uncertain public goods
Elias Fernandez Domingos (Speaker)
2 aug 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Coordinating human and agent behaviour in collective-risk scenarios.
Auteur: Fernandez Domingos, E., Lenaerts, T. & Burguillo, J. C., dec 2020Begeleider: Lenaerts, T. (Promotor) & Burguillo, J. C. (Externe persoon) (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis