Projecten per jaar
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
FWOTM1169: De toegevoegde waarde van multimodale biopsychosociale teleprevalidatie voor mensen die een totale knieprothese krijgen
1/10/23 → 30/09/26
Project: Fundamenteel
A Multimodal Patient-Centered Teleprehabilitation Approach for Patients Undergoing Surgery for Breast Cancer: A Clinical Perspective
Mostaqim, K., Lahousse, A., Ubaghs, S., Deliens, T., Vanhoeij, M., Fontaine, C., Polastro, L., Lamotte, M., Cuesta-Vargas, A. I., Huysmans, E., Nijs, J., Timmermans, A., de Jonge, E. & Van Hoecke, J., 4 dec 2024, In: Journal of Clinical Medicine. 13, 23, 18 blz., 7393.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access -
Day-to-day associations between pain and sleep in an adult chronic pain population: A systematic review
Goossens, Z., Vermuyten, J. G., Van Stallen, A., De deyne, M., Rice, D., Runge, N., Huysmans, E., Vantilborgh, T., Nijs, J., Mairesse, O. & De Baets, L., 18 mei 2024, (Unpublished).Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Effect of perceived injustice-targeted pain neuroscience education compared with biomedically focused education in breast cancer survivors: a study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial (BCS-PI trial)
Roose, E., Huysmans, E., Leysen, L., Mostaqim, K., Van Wilgen, P., Beckwée, D., De Couck, M., Timmermans, A., Bults, R., Nijs, J. & Lahousse, A., 17 jan 2024, In: BMJ Open. 14, 1, 10 blz., e075779.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand45 Downloads (Pure) -
Fighting against cancer doesn’t stop with beating the cancer alone – the struggle with perceived injustice.
Roose, E., Nijs, J., Timmermans, A., Beckwée, D., Huysmans, E., van Wilgen, P. & Leysen, L., 25 apr 2024Onderzoeksoutput: Other contribution
Influence of preoperative pain, cognitions, and quantitative sensory testing measures on the effects of perioperative pain neuroscience education for people receiving surgery for lumbar radiculopathy: secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Van Bogaert, W., Coppieters, I., Nijs, J., Buyl, R., Ickmans, K., Moens, M., Goudman, L., Putman, K. & Huysmans, E., apr 2024, In: International journal of sports physical therapy. 54, 4, blz. 279-288 10 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
1 Citaat (Scopus)
The Effectiveness Of Pain Neuroscience Education In Patients At Risk For Unfavorable Outcome Following Surgery For Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Multicentric Randomized Controlled Trial
Nijs, J. (Creator), Van Bogaert, W. (Creator), Huysmans, E. (Creator), Coppieters, I. (Creator), Buyl, R. (Creator) & Putman, K. (Creator), VUB Institutional Data Repository, 2024
Do Sex and Pain Characteristics Influence the Effectiveness of Pain Neuroscience Education in People Scheduled for Total Knee Arthroplasty?
Huysmans, E. (Researcher), Baeyens, J. (Researcher), Duenãs, L. (Researcher), Falla, D. (Researcher), Meeus, M. (Researcher), Roose, E. (Researcher), Nijs, J. (Supervisor) & Lluch Girbes, E. (Researcher), VUB, 2021
Back School or Brain School for Patients Undergoing Lumbar Radiculopathy? A Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial With Two-Year Follow-Up.
Nijs, J. (Project Leader), Huysmans, E. (Researcher), Moens, M. (Project Leader), Putman, K. (Supervisor), Buyl, R. (Supervisor), Goudman, L. (Researcher), Ickmans, K. (Supervisor), Coppieters, I. (Supervisor), Van Bogaert, W. (Researcher) & Logghe, T. (Related person), VUB, 2021
FWOTM902: The role of pain cognitions in healthcare utilization in patients undergoing surgery for lumbar radiculopathy: A multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial
Huysmans, Eva (Recipient), 1 okt 2018
Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitively
Travel grant for congress participation (K1B2918N)
Huysmans, Eva (Recipient), 7 jul 2018
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Travel grant for congress participation (K1DJN23N)
Huysmans, Eva (Recipient), 13 sep 2023
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Travel grant for congress participation (LSM-TG-2017-21)
Huysmans, Eva (Recipient), 12 apr 2017
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Multimodal patient-centered teleprehabilitation for women with breast cancer: a protocol for a feasibility trial
Kenza Mostaqim (Speaker), Jo Nijs (Contributor), Eva Huysmans (Contributor), Christel Fontaine (Contributor), Marian Vanhoeij (Contributor), Annick Timmermans (Contributor), Tom Deliens (Contributor), Eric de Jonge (Contributor), Jan Van Hoecke (Contributor), Marijke De Couck (Contributor), Laura Polastro (Contributor), Michel Lamotte (Contributor) & Antonio Cuesta-Vargas (Contributor)
22 apr 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Pain Science in Motion IV
Eva Huysmans (Organiser)
19 mei 2022 → 21 mei 2022Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation
IASP 2022 World Congress on Pain
Eva Huysmans (Organiser), Omer Elma (Organiser) & Liesbet De Baets (Organiser)
19 sep 2022Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
The mediating role of pain cognitions and sensory function on the treatment effect of perioperative pain neuroscience education in patients with lumbar radiculopathy.
Wouter Van Bogaert (Speaker), Eva Huysmans (Contributor), Iris Coppieters (Contributor), Jo Nijs (Contributor), Koen Putman (Contributor), Kelly Ickmans (Contributor), Maarten Moens (Contributor), Lisa Goudman (Contributor) & Ronald Buyl (Contributor)
23 sep 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
The mediating role of pain cognitions and sensory function on the treatment effect of perioperative pain neuroscience education in patients with lumbar radiculopathy.
Wouter Van Bogaert (Speaker), Eva Huysmans (Contributor), Iris Coppieters (Contributor), Jo Nijs (Contributor), Koen Putman (Contributor), Kelly Ickmans (Contributor), Maarten Moens (Contributor), Lisa Goudman (Contributor) & Ronald Buyl (Contributor)
19 sep 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Assessment of central sensitization in cancer survivors: psychometric properties of the Dutch Central Sensitization Inventory
Auteur: Nijzink - ter Steege, J., Scheepbouwer, P., Kregel, J., Nijs, J. & Huysmans, E., 2018Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Health care utilisation in chronic stroke patients
Auteur: Deneyer, J., De Wit, L., Putman, K. & Huysmans, E., 2018Begeleider: De Wit, L. (Co-promotor) & Putman, K. (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Influence of non-invasive Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV) on PCO2 in pulmonary compromised preterm neonates hospitalized on the NICU
Auteur: Huysmans, E., 2015Begeleider: Kerckhofs, E. (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Is perioperative pain neuroscience education more effective than back school in achieving work resumption in patients undergoing surgery for lumbar radiculopathy?
Auteur: Firouzi, M., Geernaert, L., Huysmans, E. & Putman, K., 2019Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Perioperative pain neuroscience education: The missing link to decrease the socioeconomic burden of surgery for lumbar radiculopathy?
Auteur: Huysmans, E., 2021Begeleider: Nijs, J. (Promotor), Putman, K. (Promotor), Ickmans, K. (Promotor) & Moens, M. (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis