Projecten per jaar
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
Hegazy, O., El Baghdadi, M., Varga, E. F., Abramushkina, E., Egin Martin, G., Van Mierlo, J. & Verbrugge, B.
1/03/24 → 31/08/26
Project: Toegepast
BRGPROV9: OOI Project- ECSEL: HiEfficient
Hegazy, O., Van Mierlo, J., El Baghdadi, M., Geury, T., Egin Martin, G., Hosseinabadi, F. & Bhoi, S. K.
1/05/21 → 31/10/24
Project: Policy Based
A High Performance GaN Power Module with Parallel Packaging for High Current and Low Voltage Traction Inverter Applications
Tran, M. T., Tran, D-D., Deepak, K., Egin Martin, G., Bay, O., El Baghdadi, M. & Hegazy, O., 11 okt 2024, In: IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 22 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access -
An Innovative Additively Manufactured Design Concept of a Dual-Sided Cooling System for SiC Automotive Inverters
Abramushkina, E., Egin Martin, G., Sen, A., Jaman, S., Rasool, H., El Baghdadi, M. & Hegazy, O., 25 jan 2024, In: IEEE Access. 12, blz. 20454-20470 18 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand3 Citaten (Scopus)93 Downloads (Pure) -
Charging Profile-Oriented Design for Reliability (DfR) Analysis of a WBG-based Multi-Use DC Charger Using a System-Level Electrothermal Model
Chakraborty, S., Polat, H., Egin Martin, G., Hasan, M. M. & Hegazy, O., 19 mei 2024, blz. 1-2. 2 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished abstract
Technical Assessment of Thermal Management Techniques for GaN Power Transistors: Heat Spreaders
Bay, O., Egin Martin, G., El Baghdadi, M. & Hegazy, O., 30 jan 2024, 2023 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2023 - Proceedings. Milan, Italy: IEEE, blz. 1-6 6 blz. (2023 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, VPPC 2023 - Proceedings).Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper
30 kW Three-Phase T-Type Active Front End 3D Electro-thermal Design
Polat, H., Egin Martin, G., Tran, M. T., Geury, T., El Baghdadi, M. & Hegazy, O., 4 sep 2023, 2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'23 ECCE Europe). IEEE, 8 blz. (2023 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2023 ECCE Europe).Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper
6th General Assembly Meeting of HiEFFICIENT
Gamze Egin Martin (Member)
18 mrt 2024 → 19 mrt 2024Activiteit: Joint or sponsored appointments or secondments with industry and commerce
4th General Assembly Meeting of HiEFFICIENT
Gamze Egin Martin (Member)
9 mei 2023 → 10 mei 2023Activiteit: Joint or sponsored appointments or secondments with industry and commerce
5th General Assembly Meeting of HiEFFICIENT
Gamze Egin Martin (Member)
6 nov 2023 → 7 nov 2023Activiteit: Joint or sponsored appointments or secondments with industry and commerce
3rd General Assembly Meeting of HiEFFICIENT
Gamze Egin Martin (Member)
29 sep 2022 → 30 sep 2022Activiteit: Joint or sponsored appointments or secondments with industry and commerce
48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Gamze Egin Martin (Chair)
18 okt 2022 → 20 okt 2022Activiteit: Participation in conference
A LinkedIn Post: VUB MOBI EPOWERS Ignites Collaborative Excellence in Turkey!
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Pers / media: !!Public Engagement Activities
A LinkedIn Post: Presenting at EPE’23 ECCE Europe Conference in Denmark
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: !!Public Engagement Activities
A Post for Women in Science Day 2023
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Pers / media: !!Public Engagement Activities
Auteur: Aouami, A., Hegazy, O., El Baghdadi, M. & Egin Martin, G., 6 sep 2023Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis