Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
- Application of advanced thermal analysis and rheological techniques for studying the structure-processing-property relations of polymers and related materials, incl. self-healing polymers, organic photovoltaics, nanocomposites,...
- Experimental studies of the kinetics of chemical and physical processes using thermal analysis, rheological and spectroscopic techniques,
- Development of kinetic models of chemical and physical processes, with a focus on the mechanistic modelling of polymerization reactions, the build-up of the macromolecular structure and the resulting changes in the visco-elastic behaviour of the material and its effect on the final material properties,
- Numerical modelling of heat transfer combined with chemical or physical processes for the development of polymer processing methods, such as photopolymerization for writing 3D structures, and advanced thermal analysis techniques, such as RheoDSC, a technique for simultaneous calorimetric and rheological measurements,
- The development of (thermo)reversible polymer networks, also called covalent adaptable networks, for self-healing and recylable elastomers and thermosets having an increased toughness, including the development of the processing of these materials using moulding and additive manufacturing apporaches.
Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie
Toegepaste Wetenschappen - Polymeerwetenschappen, Doctor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
1 okt 1992 → 30 sep 1998
Datum van toekenning: 8 okt 1998
Burgerlijk chemisch ingenieur, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
1 okt 1987 → 7 jul 1992
Datum van toekenning: 7 jul 1992
Externe posities
Voorzitter, Thermische Analyse Werkgroep Nederland - TAWN
29 nov 2019 → …
President Materials Committee, ICTAC (International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry)
16 aug 2016 → …
Affiliate Counselor Belgium-The Netherlands, ICTAC (International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry)
14 aug 2016 → …
Bestuurslid, Thermische Analyse Werkgroep Nederland - TAWN
1 mei 2015 → …
- free keyword
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
EU626: Zachte, zelf reagerende slimme materialen voor robots.
Vanderborght, B., Van Assche, G., Brancart, J., Terryn, S., Demir, F., Costa Cornellà, A., Furia, F., Eldiwiny, M. & Kashef Tabrizian, S.
1/03/20 → 31/08/24
Project: Fundamenteel
FWOTM1230: EMSOR: Geïntegreerde Multimodale Detectie in ZelfHestellende Zachte Robots
Terryn, S., Vanderborght, B. & Van Assche, G.
1/10/24 → 30/09/27
Project: Fundamenteel
FWOSBO54: Lignine gebaseerde dynamische en circulaire thermoharders (LigDYN)
Van den Brande, N., Van Assche, G., Hauffman, T. & De Graeve, I.
1/10/23 → 30/09/27
Project: Toegepast
FWOAL1091: PolyFront: Materiaalsynthese via thermische polymerisatie golven
1/01/23 → 31/12/26
Project: Fundamenteel
Time-Temperature-Transformation, Temperature-Conversion-Transformation, and Continuous-Heating-Transformation Diagrams of Reversible Covalent Polymer Networks
Mangialetto, J., Verhelle, R. R., Van Assche, G., Van den Brande, N. & Van Mele, B., 12 jan 2021, In: Macromolecules. 54, 1, blz. 412-425 14 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand22 Citaten (Scopus)196 Downloads (Pure) -
Room Temperature Self-Healing in Soft Pneumatic Robotics: Autonomous Self-Healing in a Diels-Alder Polymer Network
Terryn, S., Roels, E., Brancart, J., Van Assche, G. & Vanderborght, B., 10 dec 2020, In: IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. 27, 4, blz. 44-55 12 blz., 9288989.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand39 Citaten (Scopus)478 Downloads (Pure) -
Additive Manufacturing for Self-Healing Soft Robots
Roels, E., Terryn, S., Brancart, J., Verhelle, R. R., Van Assche, G. & Vanderborght, B., dec 2020, In: Soft Robotics. 7, 6, blz. 711-723 13 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand68 Citaten (Scopus)559 Downloads (Pure) -
Applying group interaction modelling: Quantitative connection between polymer structure and properties
Wang, K. & Van Assche, G., 2024.Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Bestand12 Downloads (Pure) -
Construction of furan-maleimide Diels-Alder reversible network cure diagrams: modelling and experimental validation
Mangialetto, J., Verhelle, R. R., Van Assche, G. & Van den Brande, N., 30 mei 2024.Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Documentation and instruction for the tutorial: Finite Element Analysis-based soft robotic modeling: Simulating a soft-actuator in SOFA
Ferrentino, P. (Creator), Roels, E. (Creator), Brancart, J. (Creator), Terryn, S. (Creator), Van Assche, G. (Creator) & Vanderborght, B. (Creator), Zenodo, 24 mrt 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7838026,
Documentation and instructions for the tutorial: building your own self-healing soft finger with embedded sensor
Roels, E. (Creator), Terryn, S. (Creator), Ferrentino, P. (Creator), Brancart, J. (Creator), Van Assche, G. (Creator) & Vanderborght, B. (Creator), Zenodo, 22 mei 2022
Datasets and images of publication: Additive manufacturing for self-healing soft robots
Roels, E. (Creator), Terryn, S. (Creator), Brancart, J. (Creator), Verhelle, R. R. (Creator), Van Assche, G. (Creator) & Vanderborght, B. (Creator), Zenodo, 20 apr 2020
Datasets and images of publication: Self-healing and high interfacial strength in multi-material soft pneumatic robots via reversible Diels-Alder bonds
Terryn, S. (Creator), Roels, E. (Creator), Brancart, J. (Creator), Van Assche, G. (Creator) & Vanderborght, B. (Creator), Zenodo, 30 apr 2020
Awards for best poster at Interfaces en Interphases in Multicomponent Materials
Van Assche, Guy (Recipient), 8 okt 2003
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Best Poster Award (3rd place)
Kashef Tabrizian, Seyedreza (Recipient), Terryn, Seppe (Recipient), Brauchle, D. (Recipient), Seyler, J. (Recipient), Brancart, Joost (Recipient), Van Assche, Guy (Recipient) & Vanderborght, Bram (Recipient), 15 okt 2024
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bestand -
Czech Science Foundation
Van Assche, Guy (Recipient), sep 2009
Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitively
IWT-Vlaanderen (Instituut voor de aanmoediging van Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie in Vlaanderen)
Van Assche, Guy (Recipient), 15 aug 2008
Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitively
Solvay award for PhD thesis (Bart Rimez)
Van Assche, Guy (Recipient), 1 okt 2008
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Modeling of Diels-Alder reversible network formation under diffusion-controlled conditions for the construction of cure diagrams
Jessica Mangialetto (Speaker), Robrecht René Verhelle (Contributor), Guy Van Assche (Contributor) & Niko Van den Brande (Contributor)
15 apr 2024 → 18 apr 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Bio-based reversible covalent networks and their application in soft robotics
Guy Van Assche (Speaker), Jessica Mangialetto (Contributor), Marlies Thys (Contributor), Aleix Costa Cornellà (Contributor), Seppe Terryn (Contributor), Niko Van den Brande (Contributor), Joost Brancart (Contributor) & Bram Vanderborght (Contributor)
17 mrt 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Bestand -
Fused Granulate Fabrication of Polymer Networks Based on Associative and Dissociative Dynamic Covalent Bonds
Francesca Furia (Speaker), Aleix Costa Cornellà (Contributor), Guy Van Assche (Contributor) & Joost Brancart (Contributor)
26 jun 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Modeling of Diels-Alder reversible network formation under diffusion-controlled conditions for the construction of cure diagrams
Jessica Mangialetto (Speaker), Robrecht René Verhelle (Contributor), Guy Van Assche (Contributor) & Niko Van den Brande (Contributor)
24 jun 2024 → 26 jun 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Controlling the Relaxation Dynamics of Polymer Networks by Combining Associative and Dissociative Dynamic Covalent Bonds
Aleix Costa Cornellà (Speaker), Francesca Furia (Contributor), Joost Brancart (Contributor) & Guy Van Assche (Contributor)
25 jun 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Self-healing soft pneumatic robots
16/08/17 → 17/09/17
9 items van Media-aandacht, 1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: !!Research
Anthracene-based crosslinked polymer systems with tunable thermo- and photoreversible properties
Auteur: Van Damme, J., Van Assche, G. & Du Prez, F., 22 jun 2018Begeleider: Du Prez, F. (Externe persoon) (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis
Crystallization of Fats
Auteur: Stefan, M. & Van Assche, G., 30 jun 2017Begeleider: Verhelle, R. R. (Advisor) & Wallecan, J. (Externe persoon) (Advisor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Increasing the applicability of conjugated polymers for organic photovoltaics: continuous flow synthesis and elucidation of the importance of structural defects
Auteur: Pirotte, G. & Van Assche, G., 15 sep 2017Begeleider: Maes, W. (Externe persoon) (Promotor), Vanderzande, D. (Externe persoon) (Co-promotor), Lutsen, L. (Externe persoon) (Co-promotor), Junkers, T. (Externe persoon) (Jury), Marder, S. (Externe persoon) (Jury) & Singleton, M. M. (Externe persoon) (Jury)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis
Multi-material additive manufacturing of self-healing Materials for soft robotics and flexible sensors
Auteur: Furia, F., Brancart, J. & Van Assche, G., 24 jan 2022Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
New reversible polymer networks for improved flexibility and self-healing performance of conductive composites
Auteur: Brancart, J., Yang, Z., Van Assche, G. & Sahraeeazartamar, F., 29 jun 2022Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis