Activiteiten per jaar
- 35 resultaten
Technology Use in the Language Industry: AI's Role in Transforming Translation and Interpreting Practices
Koen Kerremans (Speaker) & Hélène Stengers (Speaker)
6 mrt 2024Activiteit: Talk at a school event
Acceptance of interpreting-related technologies in the PSI sector: results from a survey conducted after the COVID-19 outbreak
Hélène Stengers (Speaker), Koen Kerremans (Speaker) & Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez (Speaker)
23 jun 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Het gebruik van virtuele communicatietools in de tolk- en vertaalopleidingen
Hélène Stengers (Speaker) & Koen Kerremans (Speaker)
7 feb 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Does a reflection on the semantic motivation of Spanish idioms foster their acquisition? A teaching proposal inspired by Cognitive linguistics.
Clara Ureña Tormo (Speaker), Hélène Stengers (Speaker) & Julie Deconinck (Speaker)
26 apr 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Do technological tools facilitate multilingual communication in public service provision? The perspective of public service interpreters and translators
Koen Kerremans (Speaker), Hélène Stengers (Contributor) & Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez (Contributor)
11 sep 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez
Hélène Stengers (Host)
1 sep 2018 → 30 nov 2018Activiteit: Hosting an academic visitor
David Fernández Vitores
Hélène Stengers (Host)
1 aug 2018 → 31 jan 2019Activiteit: Hosting an academic visitor
Meertalige intake van asielzoekers verbeteren via vorming, meertalige terminologie en video-animaties
Koen Kerremans (Organiser), Antoon Cox (Organiser), Karima El Hahaoui (Organiser), Hélène Stengers (Organiser) & Mathieu Van Obberghen (Organiser)
11 dec 2018Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Bestand -
European Network for Public Service Interpreters and Translators (ENPSIT) (Externe Organisatie)
Hélène Stengers (Member)
1 feb 2018Activiteit: Work on advisory panels for social, community and cultural engagement
Clara Ureña Tormo
Hélène Stengers (Host)
1 apr 2018 → 30 jun 2018Activiteit: Hosting an academic visitor
L'utilisation des technologies comme soutien de la communication multilingue dans les services publics
Hélène Stengers (Speaker) & Koen Kerremans (Contributor)
11 dec 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez
Koen Kerremans (Host), Hélène Stengers (Host) & Rudi Janssens (Host)
1 sep 2018 → 31 dec 2018Activiteit: Hosting an academic visitor
On the Use of Technologies in Public Service Interpreting and Translation Settings
Koen Kerremans (Speaker), Hélène Stengers (Contributor), Antoon Cox (Contributor), Raquel Lazaro (Contributor) & Pascal Rillof (Contributor)
24 mei 2018 → 26 mei 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Migration and Literacy in Brussels
Philippe Humblé (Organiser), Arvi Sepp (Organiser), Hélène Stengers (Organiser) & Julie Deconinck (Organiser)
13 dec 2018Activiteit: Participation in conference
Literacy and Migration in Brussels
Philippe Humblé (Organiser), Arvi Sepp (Organiser), Hélène Stengers (Organiser) & Julie Deconinck (Organiser)
13 dec 2017Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Going virtual in translator and interpreter training: practices and recommendations
Koen Kerremans (Speaker) & Hélène Stengers (Contributor)
7 dec 2017 → 9 dec 2017Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
L2 Chinese character learning in textbooks
Hélène Stengers (Speaker), Yan Liu (Speaker) & Julie Deconinck (Speaker)
29 sep 2017Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Corpus and LAnguage Variation in English Research Group
Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez (Speaker), Koen Kerremans (Contributor) & Hélène Stengers (Contributor)
30 nov 2017 → 2 dec 2017Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Integrating virtual communication technology in translator and interpreter training
Hélène Stengers (Speaker) & Koen Kerremans (Contributor)
9 nov 2017 → 10 nov 2017Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Translating and the Computer 39
Koen Kerremans (Speaker) & Hélène Stengers (Speaker)
17 nov 2017Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Translanguaging in multilingual urban settings
Arvi Sepp (Organiser), Hélène Stengers (Organiser), Koen Kerremans (Organiser) & Julie Deconinck (Organiser)
29 apr 2016Activiteit: Participation in conference
Challenging the Lettered City: Counter-Hegemonic Modes of Literacy
Arvi Sepp (Organiser), Philippe Humblé (Organiser) & Hélène Stengers (Organiser)
28 feb 2014Activiteit: Participation in conference
Studiedag Postdoctoraal Vertaalonderzoek
Hélène Stengers (Participant)
19 okt 2007Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Studiedag Postdoctoraal Vertaalonderzoek
Hélène Stengers (Participant)
19 okt 2007Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Taller Lingüístico
Hélène Stengers (Keynote speaker)
14 apr 2007Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Use, Learning & Teaching
Hélène Stengers (Participant)
28 mrt 2007 → 29 mrt 2007Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
ABLA (Association Belge de Linguistique Appliquée) Seminar
Hélène Stengers (Participant)
10 mrt 2006Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
MACL (Multilingualism and Comparative Applied Linguistics) Conference
Hélène Stengers (Participant)
11 feb 2006 → 2007Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Workgroup for languages
Hélène Stengers (Speaker)
28 mrt 2006Activiteit: Talk at a public lecture/debate
Seminario Lingüístico
Hélène Stengers (Keynote speaker)
18 jan 2005Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Taller Lingüístico
Hélène Stengers (Keynote speaker)
14 apr 2005Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Taaldag 2005
Hélène Stengers (Speaker)
29 jan 2005Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Onderwijsinnovatiedag VUB-EhB
Hélène Stengers (Participant)
27 mei 2004Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
International Workshop on Web Engineering (ACM Hypertext 2004)
Hélène Stengers (Speaker)
9 aug 2004 → 2007Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Werkgroep over Taal (WOT)
Hélène Stengers (Keynote speaker)
25 nov 2004 → 2007Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar