Foto van Hakki Demirkapu
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Hakki Demirkapu was born on 26 July 1984 in Ghent, Belgium. He attended high school in Ghent, graduating in Science-Mathematics in 2003. Dr Demirkapu obtained Bachelor’s degrees in Biomedical Sciences (2005) and Medicine (2007), and went on to obtain a Master’s degree in Medicine at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2010. In 2012, he completed his Master-after-Master’s degree in Family Medicine. In 2013, he founded the multidisciplinary Medisina Medical and Dental Clinic, where he works as a general practitioner and tutor for general practitioners in training. In 2017, he initiated his PhD project in the Department of Family Medicine and Chronic Care of Vrije Universiteit Brussel. His research focuses on advance care planning among people of Turkish and Moroccan origin living in Belgium. The findings of his doctoral research have been published in high-impact, peer-reviewed international journals and disseminated through presentations at national and international conferences. He also has a special interest in person-centred care, which takes patients’ cultural and religious values into account. Dr Demirkapu gives lectures on medical care for individuals with migration backgrounds and serves as a board member for several associations dedicated to health and education.


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