- 3 resultaten
Characterization of a stand-alone RAM domain protein in Sulfolobus
Auteur: Naumanga, Q., Peeters, E., Lavigne, R., Van Molle, I. & Beeckmans, S., 22 jun 2016Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Exploring different strategies to purify Vibrio cholerae ParE2
Auteur: Vanden Abeele, Y., Loris, R., Girardin, Y., Van Molle, I. & Sterckx, Y., 12 sep 2022Begeleider: Loris, R. (Promotor) & Girardin, Y. (Advisor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Bestand -
Toxin-antitoxin modules: functional characterization of transcription regulation and potential use against pathogenic bacteria
Auteur: De Bruyn, P., Loris, R., De Greve, H., Peeters, E., Van Molle, I., Roelants, K., Michiels, J. & Tenson, T., 2 sep 2021Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis