Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
- Bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cells: biology and therapeutical use
- Stem cell processing and banking
- Tumo-host interactions in blood cancer (multiple myeloma)
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
FWOSB118: Tumor karakterisatie en ziekteopvolging in multipel myeloom door (epi) genetische typering gebruik makend van liquid biopsies
Heestermans, R. & Van Riet, I.
1/11/21 → 31/10/25
Project: Fundamenteel
ANI52: Cycle for Life 2007 : Circulating endothelial cells in multiple myeloma: characterisation and study of their role as surrogate marker for myeloma-induced angiogenesis.
Vande Broek, I. & Van Riet, I.
27/09/07 → …
Project: Fundamenteel
A randomized phase II clinical trial of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) and systemic pembrolizumab with or without intratumoral avelumab/ipilimumab plus CD1c (BDCA-1)+/CD141 (BDCA-3)+ myeloid dendritic cells in solid tumors
Vounckx, M., Tijtgat, J., Stevens, L., Dirven, I., Ilsen, B., Vandenbroucke, F., Raeymaeckers, S., Vekens, K., Forsyth, R., Geeraerts, X., Van Riet, I., Schwarze, J. K., Tuyaerts, S., Decoster, L., De Ridder, M., Dufait, I. & Neyns, B., 2 jul 2024, In: Cancer Immunol Immunother. 73, 9, 8 blz., 167.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand -
Comprehensive (Epi)Genetic Tumor Characterization and Disease Follow-Up in Multiple Myeloma Using Blood-Derived Cell-Free DNA
Heestermans, R., Olsen, C., Succari, J., Ameli, S., Janssen, T., De Becker, A., Vande Broek, I., Bakkus, M. H. C., Schots, R., De Bruyne, E. & Van Riet, I., 5 nov 2024.Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Een innovatieve, niet-invasieve strategie voor mutatieanalyse bij multipel myeloom: liquid biopsies op de weg naar gepersonaliseerde geneeskunde
Heestermans, R., Schots, R., De Becker, A. & Van Riet, I., 14 okt 2024, In: OncoHemato. 18, 5, blz. 22-24 3 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Intratumoral administration of the immunologic adjuvant AS01B in combination with autologous CD1c (BDCA-1)+/CD141 (BDCA-3)+ myeloid dendritic cells plus ipilimumab and intravenous nivolumab in patients with refractory advanced melanoma
Tijtgat, J., Geeraerts, X., Boisson, A., Stevens, L., Vounckx, M., Dirven, I., Schwarze, J. K., Raeymaeckers, S., Forsyth, R., Van Riet, I., Tuyaerts, S., Willard-Gallo, K. & Neyns, B., 11 jan 2024, In: Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. 12, 1, 12 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand1 Citaat (Scopus)1 Downloads (Pure) -
Liquid Biopsies as Non-Invasive Tools for Mutation Profiling in Multiple Myeloma: Application Potential, Challenges, and Opportunities
Heestermans, R., Schots, R., De Becker, A. & Van Riet, I., 10 mei 2024, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25, 10, 15 blz., 5208.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand2 Citaten (Scopus)1 Downloads (Pure)
Characterization of the evolving mutational landscape in multiple myeloma during disease progression using blood-derived cell free DNA: an explorative study
Robbe Heestermans (Speaker), Wouter De Brouwer (Contributor), Ken Maes (Contributor), Isabelle Vande Broek (Contributor), Freya Vaeyens (Contributor), Catharina Olsen (Contributor), Toon Janssen (Contributor), Ann De Becker (Contributor), Marleen Bakkus (Contributor), Henri Schots (Contributor) & Ivan Van Riet (Contributor)
3 feb 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Lab Secrets for Stratification and Prognoses of Leukemia and Multiple Myeloma using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): Strategies to Leverage NGS-based minimal residual disease (MRD) in Multiple Myeloma (MM) and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Wouter De Brouwer (Invited speaker), Jona Van der Straeten (Contributor), Ivan Van Riet (Contributor) & Marleen Bakkus (Contributor)
24 feb 2022Activiteit: Talk at a public lecture/debate
The best liquid biopsy for myeloma detection by immunoglobulin targeted NGS
Wouter De Brouwer (Speaker), Ivan Van Riet (Contributor), Robbe Heestermans (Contributor), Jona Van der Straeten (Contributor), Isabelle Vande Broek (Contributor), Marleen Bakkus (Contributor) & Henri Schots (Contributor)
4 feb 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
29th General Annual Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society
Ivan Van Riet (Speaker)
30 jan 2014 → 31 jan 2014Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
28th General Annual Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society
Ivan Van Riet (Keynote speaker)
24 jan 2013 → 26 jan 2013Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference