Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
Working in the field of preclinical nuclear and molecular diagnostics and cancer therapy using single-domain antibody fragments.
Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie
Doctoraatsstudie, Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
1 jan 2016 → 1 jan 2020
Datum van toekenning: 16 dec 2015
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
- 2 Afgelopen
ANI180: Nanobody-Based Targeted Radionuclide Therapy of Multiple Myeloma: a feasibilty study.
D'Huyvetter, M., Lahoutte, T., Devoogdt, N. & Puttemans, J.
1/01/17 → 31/03/21
Project: Fundamenteel
FWOSB12: Nanobodies gericht op mutant-EGFR als een uniek tumorbeperkend middel voor gerichte therapie van glioblastoom
1/01/16 → 31/12/19
Project: Toegepast
Anti-Idiotypic VHHs and VHH-CAR-T Cells to Tackle Multiple Myeloma: Different Applications Call for Different Antigen-Binding Moieties
Hanssens, H., Meeus, F., Gesquiere, E. L., Puttemans, J., Vlaeminck, Y. D., Veirman, K. D., Breckpot, K. & Devoogdt, N., 22 mei 2024, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25, 11, 16 blz., 5634.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand3 Downloads (Pure) -
Generation and Characterization of Novel Pan-Cancer Anti-uPAR Fluorescent Nanobodies as Tools for Image-Guided Surgery
Mateusiak, Ł., Floru, S., De Groof, T. W. M., Wouters, J., Declerck, N. B., Debie, P., Janssen, S., Zeven, K., Breckpot, K., Puttemans, J., Vincke, C., Devoogdt, N. & Hernot, S., aug 2024, In: Advanced Science. 11, 30, 11 blz., e2400700.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand2 Citaten (Scopus)5 Downloads (Pure) -
Scrutiny of chimeric antigen receptor activation by the extracellular domain: experience with single domain antibodies targeting multiple myeloma cells highlights the need for case-by-case optimization
Hanssens, H., Meeus, F., De Vlaeminck, Y., Lecocq, Q., Puttemans, J., Debie, P., De Groof, T. W. M., Goyvaerts, C., De Veirman, K., Breckpot, K. & Devoogdt, N., 2024, In: Frontiers in Immunology. 15, 15 blz., 1389018.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access -
Accepted poster session at ImmunoRad 2023: Targeted alpha therapy using Actinium-225 radiolabeled single domain antibodies induces antigen-specific immune responses and instills immunomodulation both systemically and at the tumor microenvironment
Ertveldt, T., Krasniqi, A., Ceuppens, H., Puttemans, J., Dekempeneer, Y., De Jonghe, K., de Mey, W., Lecocq, Q., De Vlaeminck, Y., Awad, R. M., Goyvaerts, C., De Veirman, K., Morgenstern, A., Bruchertseifer, F., Keyaerts, M., Devoogdt, N., D'Huyvetter, M. & Breckpot, K., 27 sep 2023.Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Intraoperative tumor visualization through a specific fluorescently-labeled anti-uPAR targeting single-domain antibody
Vangeloven, E., Mateusiak, L., Floru, S., De Groof, T., Declerck, N., Wouters, J., Janssen, S., Debie, P., Zeven, K., Vincke, C., Puttemans, J., Stroet, M., Ballet, S., Breckpot, K., Devoogdt, N. & Hernot, S., 2023, (Unpublished).Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Travel Grant Doctoral School VUB - LSM
Puttemans, Janik (Recipient), 7 sep 2016
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
In vivo optical imaging using a novel fluorescently-labeled single-domain antibody targeting a universal tumor marker
Lukasz Mateusiak (Speaker), Sam Floru (Contributor), Janne Wouters (Contributor), Timo De Groof (Contributor), Noemi Declerck (Contributor), Simone Janssen (Contributor), Pieterjan Debie (Contributor), Katty Zeven (Contributor), Janik Puttemans (Contributor), Karine Breckpot (Contributor), Nick Devoogdt (Contributor) & Sophie Hernot (Contributor)
28 jan 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
In vivo optical imaging of glioma using a novel uPAR-targeting fluorescent single-domain antibody
Lukasz Mateusiak (Speaker), Sam Floru (Contributor), Timo De Groof (Contributor), Noemi Declerck (Contributor), Janne Wouters (Contributor), Simone Janssen (Contributor), Pieterjan Debie (Contributor), Katty Zeven (Contributor), Cecile Vincke (Contributor), Janik Puttemans (Contributor), Marcus Stroet (Contributor), Karine Breckpot (Contributor), Nick Devoogdt (Contributor) & Sophie Hernot (Contributor)
16 mrt 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
MILabs Lunch Symposium - User Of The Year
Janik Puttemans (Speaker)
25 aug 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Development of LAG-3 nanobodies as potent cancer imaging tracers
Quentin Lecocq (Speaker), Robin Maximilian Awad (Contributor), Katty Zeven (Contributor), Yannick De Vlaeminck (Contributor), Wout De Mey (Contributor), Pieterjan Debie (Contributor), Janik Puttemans (Contributor), Cleo Goyvaerts (Contributor), Geert Raes (Contributor), Marleen Keyaerts (Contributor), Nick Devoogdt (Contributor) & Karine Breckpot (Contributor)
11 dec 2019 → 14 dec 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Workshop Immuno-Imaging and Molecular Therapy - Hands-on session: Nanobody lead selection analysis
Heleen Hanssens (Speaker) & Janik Puttemans (Speaker)
5 apr 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
EGFRvIII Nb TRNT: Evaluation of radiolabeled nanobodies for the treatment of cancers expressing mutant EGFR’
Auteur: Puttemans, J., Devoogdt, N., D'Huyvetter, M. & Muyldermans, S., 4 mrt 2021Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis
Evaluation of anti-idiotype Nanobodies in a preclinical model of Multiple Myeloma
Auteur: Sharma, P., Puttemans, J., Devoogdt, N., D'Huyvetter, M. & Muyldermans, S., 2019Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Nanoparticles: The future of mRNA-based anticancer therapeutics
Auteur: Puttemans, J., 9 jun 2015Begeleider: Breckpot, K. (Promotor), Van Der Jeught, K. (Advisor) & Rediers, H. (Externe persoon) (Co-promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Radiolabeled single-domain antibody fragments for targeted radionuclide therapy of difficult-to-treat cancers.
Auteur: Puttemans, J., Devoogdt, N., D'Huyvetter, M., Orlova, A., Descamps, B., Menu, E., Movahedi, K. & Caveliers, V., 4 mrt 2021Begeleider: Devoogdt, N. (Promotor), D'Huyvetter, M. (Promotor), Orlova, A. (Externe persoon) (Jury), Descamps, B. (Externe persoon) (Jury), Menu, E. (Jury), Movahedi, K. (Jury) & Caveliers, V. (Jury)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis