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- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
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- 1 Actief
The role of mRNA-galsomes and LNPs in enhancing HIV-specific T cell responses across various lymphoid organs
D'haese, S., den Roover, S., Verbeke, R., Aernout, I., Meulewater, S., Cosyns, J., Meert, J., Vanbellingen, S., Laeremans, T., Lentacker, I. & Aerts, J. L., 10 dec 2024, In: Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids. 35, 4, 13 blz., 102372.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand4 Downloads (Pure) -
Sample storage conditions impact murine gut microbiome profiles
Meert, J. D., Cosyns, J., De Bundel, D. & Demuyser, T., 7 nov 2023, (Unpublished).Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
The prophylactic and therapeutic effects of butyrate in a preclinical maternal immune activation model for neurodevelopmental disorders
Meert, J. D. & De Bundel, D., 21 dec 2023, (Unpublished).Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Healthcare-Associated COVID-19 across Five Pandemic Waves: Prediction Models and Genomic Analyses
Demuyser, T., Seyler, L., Buttiens, R., Soetens, O., Van Nedervelde, E., Caljon, B., Praet, J., Seyler, T., Boeckmans, J., Meert, J., Vanstokstraeten, R., Martini, H., Crombé, F., Piérard, D., Allard, S. D. & Wybo, I., okt 2022, In: Viruses. 14, 10, 10 blz., 2292.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access1 Citaat (Scopus)
Boehringer Ingelheim Travel Grant
Meert, Jessy Danielle (Recipient), 28 apr 2023
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Pharmacien et Doctoresse Nedeljkovitch
Meert, Jessy Danielle (Recipient), 11 okt 2022
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
The prophylactic and therapeutic effects of butyrate in a preclinical maternal immune activation model for neurodevelopmental disorders
Jessy Danielle Meert (Participant), Dimitri De Bundel (Supervisor), Thomas Demuyser (Supervisor) & Joeri Aerts (Supervisor)
1 nov 2023 → 31 okt 2027Activiteit: Written proposal
Developing a metagenomic next-generation sequencing for rapid diagnosis of neurological infections
Jessy Danielle Meert (Speaker)
16 dec 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference