Foto van Karoline da Silva Rodrigues
  • Pleinlaan 2

    1050 Brussels


  • Pleinlaan 2

    1050 Brussel


Persoonlijk profiel


Karoline da Silva Rodrigues (°1993) completed her Master's in History at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), where she wrote her thesis on the participation of the Belgian government in the International Women’s Year of the United Nations in 1975. With this study, she received the Dr. Renée De Bock Doehaard Prize for the best Master thesis with a historical approach for the academic year 2021. 

In December 2021, she started her doctoral research “Urban inequality and labor market segmentation in the Brussels construction sector (1695-1970)”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wouter Ryckbosch (HOST), Prof. Dr. David Bassens (COSMOPOLIS), and Prof. Dr. Heidi Deneweth (HOST). This study aims to gain a better insight into the relationship between labor relations and spatial organization by studying the long-term dynamics of the labor market within the Brussels construction sector.