Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
Koen is currently working as an assistant professor (0.1 ZAP) and postdoctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), research group Sport Psychology & Mental Support.
Koen's main interests lie in the domain of sport science: training & coaching, sport psychology, sport management, fitness, health & nutrition. In his research, he has mainly focused on talented and elite athletes' dual career development and transitions. Koen's PhD entitled "A holistic perspective on student-athletes' dual career demands, competencies and outcomes" (2017) focused on the competencies elite athletes require to effectively cope with the challenges of a dual career pathway in higher education. Before Koen started working at the VUB in 2013, he was a professional volleyball player and student-athlete at the VUB. At present he is still active as a beach volleyball player.
Koen coordinates and assists in more than 20 international and national projects (research & applied) on athletes' career development and mental health for the European Commission, the International Olympic Committee, the Flemish Sport Administration (Sport Vlaanderen) and the government of the Brussels-Capital Region. He has established a strong network with more than 50 international and national partners in different sectors (research, education, sport, employment and policy). Koen's current and future projects focus on dual career of athletes, and mental health and social well-being of athletes and entourage (e.g. Erasmus+ Sport project "Dual Careers for Mental Health" (DC4MH); "Promoting mental health through the Entourage in high performance sport" (MENTiS); "Student-Athlete CONNECT"; "Increasing Mental Health Literacy in Athletes").
Koen teaches and assists in 10 courses in the Bachelor and Master programme of Sport & Movement Science, including "Career planning in elite sports I-IV", "(Module) High Performance Management", "Career Support in High Performance Sport", "Career planning for Trainers and Coaches", "Performance Behaviour", "Mental health and well-being" and previously "Internships in Sport Management". He is also actively involved in the reform of the Master programme in Training & Coaching. Koen also holds a position as guest lecturer in Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).
Besides research and teaching, Koen coordinates the central university dpt. Topsport & Studie (Top Sport & Study), providing academic and performance-lifestyle support to student-athletes. Since 2013 he has assisted over 400 student-athletes in their dual careers.
Translating research to practice is one of Koen's key strenghts. He regularly organizes public symposia and events about the dual career of athletes, and shares his expertise with different sport organisations and policy institutions (e.g. the International Olympic Committee, Athlete365, Team Belgium, Sport Vlaanderen, RSC Anderlecht, Hockey Belgium, the European Commission, the Adecco Group). In 2019, Koen co-founded the research-based online platform, which assists athletes and support staff in developing successful careers.
Koen presented on more than 35 international conferences about elite athletes' career development. In 2017, he received the Young Researchers in Sport & Exercise Psychology award at the BASES-FEPSAC Conference in Nottingham.
Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie
Doctor in Sport and Movement Science, Dr., Vrije Universiteit Brussel
mei 2013 → okt 2017
Datum van toekenning: 30 okt 2017
Training & Coaching, Trainer A volleybal, Bloso, Vlaamse Trainersschool
sep 2012 → sep 2014
Datum van toekenning: 10 sep 2014
Master in Sport Science - Training & Coaching, MSc. - Trainer A volleybal, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
sep 2006 → sep 2014
Datum van toekenning: 10 sep 2014
Master in Sport Science - Fitness & Health, MSc. - Personal trainer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
sep 2006 → jul 2012
Datum van toekenning: 5 jul 2012
Externe posities
Gastdocent, Autonomous University of Barcelona
1 jun 2023 → …
Coördinator, Dienst Topsport en Studie VUB
15 mei 2013 → …
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
EUPOM99: Erasmus+ Sport: "DC4MH" Dual Careers voor Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg
Wylleman, P., De Brandt, K. & Kegelaers, J.
1/01/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Fundamenteel
BRGEOZ394: Topsport en Hoger Onderwijs in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Wylleman, P., De Brandt, K. & Defruyt, S.
1/10/20 → 31/12/24
Project: Fundamenteel
AIIFUND49: Advanced Olympic Research Grant: How should athletes be supported before, during and after athletic retirement? Moving fro an athlete-centered needs analysis to practical guidelines for career support stakeholders.
Wylleman, P., De Brandt, K. & Kegelaers, J.
15/06/19 → 15/06/20
Project: Fundamenteel
EUPOM46: Ecologie van DualCareer – ECO-DC.
Wylleman, P., De Brandt, K. & Flambeaux, E.
1/01/18 → 31/12/19
Project: Fundamenteel
EUPOM26: B-WISER – Be a Winner in Elite Sport and Employment before and after athletic Retirement (B-WISER).
Wylleman, P., De Brandt, K., Aurousseau, M., Skenazi, A., Defruyt, S. & Smismans, S.
1/01/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Fundamenteel
Ten Essential Features of European Dual Career Development Environments: A Multiple Case Study
Kamuk Storm, L., Henriksen, K., Stambulova, N., Cartigny, E., Ryba, T., De Brandt, K., Ramis, Y. & Cecic-Erpic, S., mei 2021, In: Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 54, blz. 1-13 13 blz., 101918.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand33 Citaten (Scopus)172 Downloads (Pure) -
Club level sport: The Struggling Dual Career Support Provider
De Brandt, K., Wylleman, P. & Defruyt, S., nov 2022, Building Consulting Skills for Sport and Performance Psychology: An International Case Study Collection. Castillo, S., Wooding, C., Barba, D. & Chroni, S. A. (redactie). 1 redactie New York: Routledge, blz. 16-20 5 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Chapter › peer review
Career development
Wylleman, P., De Brandt, K. & Knop, P. D., 28 apr 2020, Routledge International Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology: Volume 2: Applied and Practical Measures. Hackfort, D. & Schinke, R. (redactie). New York, NY: Routledge, blz. 89-106Onderzoeksoutput: Chapter › peer review
Exploring the factor structure of the Dual Career Competency Questionnaire for Athletes in European student-athletes
De Brandt, K., Wylleman, P., Torregrossa, M., Schipper-van Veldhoven, N., Minelli, D., Defruyt, S. & Knop, P. D., 2018, In: International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2018, blz. 1-19 19 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
44 Citaten (Scopus) -
A holistic perspective on student-athletes' dual career demands, competencies and outcomes
De Brandt, K., 2017, Brussels: VUB Press.Onderzoeksoutput: PhD Thesis
Young Researchers in Sport and Exercise Psychology award
De Brandt, Koen (Recipient), 29 nov 2017
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Bestand -
Erasmus+ Success Story & Example of Good Practice
De Brandt, Koen (Recipient), Wylleman, Paul (Recipient) & Defruyt, Simon (Recipient), 9 jul 2017
Prijs: Other distinction
Bestand -
Athlete Friendly Education Award 2022
Wylleman, Paul (Recipient) & De Brandt, Koen (Recipient), 2022
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
International symposium of the Erasmus+ Sport project "Dual Careers for Mental health" (DC4MH)
Koen De Brandt (Organiser)
18 nov 2022Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
International teaching at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), KA103 Erasmus+ Staff Teaching
Koen De Brandt (Visitor), Paul Wylleman (Visitor) & Miquel Torregrossa (Host)
10 mei 2021 → 11 mei 2021Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Online Career Support Symposium
Simon Defruyt (Organiser), Sofie Smismans (Organiser), Paul Wylleman (Chair) & Koen De Brandt (Chair)
1 dec 2020Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
PhD Koen De Brandt: A holistic perspective on student-athletes’ dual career demands, competencies and outcomes (2017)
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: !!Research
FC Barcelona: Visit from two pioneering universities
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: !!Research
Opening new swimming pool Vrije Universiteit Brussel
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: !!Public Engagement Activities
Poster Award at the BASES-FEPSAC Conference 2017
Koen De Brandt & Jolan Jelle Kegelaers
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: !!Research
VUB coördinator in Europees onderzoeksproject ‘Be a Winner In elite Sport and Employment before and after athletic Retirement’ (B-WISER)
Paul Wylleman, Koen De Brandt, Arthur Skenazi & Simon Defruyt
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: !!Research
A holistic perspective on the vocational development of active and retired elite athletes
Auteur: Smismans, S., 29 nov 2022Begeleider: Wylleman, P. (Promotor), De Brandt, K. (Promotor) & Vitali, F. (Externe persoon) (Advisor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis
The implementation and evaluation of dual career interventions (working title)
Auteur: Dooms, M. M., De Brandt, K. & Wylleman, P., 2025Begeleider: De Brandt, K. (Promotor), Wylleman, P. (Promotor) & Garcia Mas, A. (Externe persoon) (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis
A holistic perspective on student-athletes' dual career demands, competencies and outcomes
Auteur: De Brandt, K. & Wylleman, P., 30 okt 2017Begeleider: Wylleman, P. (Promotor), Gould, D. (Externe persoon) (Jury), Cecic-Erpic, S. (Externe persoon) (Jury), Sonck, G. (Jury), De Bosscher, V. (Jury), Zinzen, E. (Jury), Theeboom, M. (Jury), De Knop, P. (Advisor), Lavallee, D. (Externe persoon) (Advisor) & Torregrossa, M. (Externe persoon) (Advisor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis
Bestand -
Redenen waarom topsporters zich al dan niet voorbereiden op de transitie naar de post-atletische carrière.
Auteur: Gevaert, M. J. K. & De Brandt, K., 2020Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
Relatie tussen de fysieke ontwikkeling en prestatieparameters bij talentvolle adolescente volleybalspelers: een longitudinale studie
Auteur: De Brandt, K., Aerenhouts, D. & Clarys, P., 28 jun 2012Begeleider: Aerenhouts, D. (Promotor) & Clarys, P. (Co-promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis