Foto van Koen Lombaerts
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Zelfregulerend leren; Onderwijsveranering en -innovatie


Prof. Dr. Koen Lombaerts is a full professor in the Department of Educational Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and chair of the Brussels Centre for Innovation, Learning, and Diversity (BILD) research group. His research focuses on educational change and the development of innovative learning environments, emphasizing self-regulated learning (SRL).

Central to his work is understanding learner needs and the impact of self-regulatory skills on both students and teachers. The primary emphasis is on how to foster self-regulated learning by investigating both the psychological nature of self-regulatory processes (cognitive, affective, behavioral, and motivational components) and learning-relevant strategies (e.g., goal setting, monitoring, help-seeking). This research interest is underpinned by the consensus that learners' self-regulatory abilities significantly enhance their (future) learning outcomes. The comprehensive research focus on SRL includes refining the learning process (how one learns), elevating its quality (what one learns) toward future solutions for effective learning.

Prof. Lombaerts has led numerous international projects, developing research-based training programs and tools for SRL integration. His work spans topics such as student engagement, citizenship education, and technology-enhanced learning, and is embedded in the “BILDLab for Active, Collaborative and Hybrid Teaching and Learning.”

He has supervised many Ph.D. candidates and published extensively in high-impact journals, demonstrating recognized expertise in managing large-scale educational projects.

Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie

Educatiewetenschappen, Phd Educatiewetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel


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