Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
- In vitro and in vivo models to induce islet regeneration or islet cell neogenesis and in which the effect of soluble growth factors, hormones, cytokines or pharmacological substances can be studied
- Regenerative medicine for diabetes
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
OZR3588: Financiering FWO Hercules: ERA platform: Uitgebreid RNA Analyse platform - versie 2.0
Rooman, I., Bouwens, L., Heimberg, H., Neyns, B., Vranken, W., Vanhaecke, T., Massie, A., van Grunsven, L., De Bruyne, E., De Bundel, D., Forsyth, R., Breckpot, K., Van Dooren, S., De Kock, J., Njemini, R. & Laoui, D.
1/05/20 → 30/04/24
Project: Fundamenteel
HERC44: FWO Hercules MZW: ERA platform: Extensief RNA Analyse platform
Rooman, I., Baeyens, L., Goossens, E., Vanhaecke, T., van Grunsven, L., Bouwens, L., De Bundel, D., Bautmans, I., Massie, A., Van Riet, I., De Bruyne, E., De Kock, J. & Forsyth, R.
1/05/18 → 30/04/22
Project: Fundamenteel
Resolution of Acinar Dedifferentiation Regulates Tissue Remodeling in Pancreatic Injury and Cancer Initiation
Baldan, J., Camacho-Roda, J., Ballester, M., Høj, K., Kurilla, A., Maurer, H. C., Arcila-Barrera, S., Lin, X., Pan, Z., Castro, J. L., Mayorca-Guiliani, A. E., Rift, C. V., Hasselby, J., Bouwens, L., Lefebvre, V., David, C. J., Parnas, O., DelGiorno, K. E., Erler, J. T., Rooman, I. & 1 anderen, , sep 2024, In: Gastroenterology. 167, 4, blz. 718-732.e18 15 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access1 Citaat (Scopus) -
Biomarker expressed in pancreatic beta cells useful in imaging or targeting beta cells
Eizirik, D., Balhuizen, A., Devoogdt, N., Massa, S., Bouwens, L. & Mathijs, I., 2022, Octrooi Nr. US11243214Onderzoeksoutput: Patent
Differential plasticity and fate of brain-resident and recruited macrophages during the onset and resolution of neuroinflammation
De Vlaminck, K., Van Hove, H., Kancheva, D., Scheyltjens, I., Pombo Antunes, A. R., Bastos, J., Vara-Perez, M., Ali, L., Mampay, M., Deneyer, L., Miranda, J. F., Cai, R., Bouwens, L., De Bundel, D., Caljon, G., Stijlemans, B., Massie, A., Van Ginderachter, J. A., Vandenbroucke, R. E. & Movahedi, K., 8 nov 2022, In: Immunity. 55, 11, blz. 2085-2102 18 blz., e9.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand64 Citaten (Scopus)52 Downloads (Pure) -
Discovery and 3D imaging of a novel ΔNp63-expressing basal cell type in human pancreatic ducts with implications in disease
Martens, S., Coolens, K., Van Bulck, M., Arsenijevic, T., Casamitjana, J., Fernandez Ruiz, A., El Kaoutari, A., Martinez de Villareal, J., Madhloum, H., Esni, F., Heremans, Y., Leuckx, G., Heimberg, H., Bouwens, L., Jacquemin, P., De Paep, D. L., In't Veld, P., D'Haene, N., Bouchart, C., Dusetti, N. & 6 anderen, , 1 okt 2022, In: Gut. 71, 10, blz. 2030-2042 13 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand13 Citaten (Scopus)33 Downloads (Pure) -
In vitro comparison of various antioxidants and flavonoids from Rooibos as beta cell protectants against lipotoxicity and oxidative stress-induced cell death
Moens, C., Muller, C. J. F. & Bouwens, L., mei 2022, In: PLOS ONE. 17, 5, 16 blz., e0268551.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand10 Citaten (Scopus)17 Downloads (Pure)
A novel basal DeltaNP63 (P40)-expressing pancreatic cell type undergoes expansion and reorganization in chronic pancreatitis
Ilse Rooman (Speaker), Sandrina Martens (Contributor), Mathias Van Bulck (Contributor), Katarina Coolens (Contributor), Farzad Esni (Contributor), Gunter Leuckx (Contributor), Henry Heimberg (Contributor), Luc Bouwens (Contributor), Patrick Jacquemin (Contributor), Francesca Spagnoli (Contributor), Francisco X Real (Contributor), Pieter in 't Veld (Contributor) & Pierre Lesfevre (Contributor)
11 okt 2020Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Acinar cells in the neonatal pancreas grow by self-duplication and not by neogenesis from duct cells
Isabelle Houbracken (Speaker) & Luc Bouwens (Contributor)
6 okt 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
DPP6 as a new biomarker suitable for human islet in vivo imaging
Nick Devoogdt (Contributor), Rita Sofia Garcia Ribeiro (Speaker), Stéphane Demine (Contributor), Julie Kerr-Conte (Contributor), Julien Thévenet (Contributor), Alexander Balhuizen (Contributor), Davide Pacetti (Contributor), Raphael Scharfmann (Contributor), Piero Marchetti (Contributor), Serge Goldman (Contributor), Tony Lahoutte (Contributor), Luc Bouwens (Contributor) & Decio Eizirik (Contributor)
4 jun 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
DPP6 as a new biomarker suitable for human islet in vivo imaging
Rita Sofia Garcia Ribeiro (Speaker), Stephane Demine (Contributor), Julie Kerr-Conte (Contributor), Francois Pattou (Contributor), Davide Pacitte (Contributor), Raphael Scharfmann (Contributor), Piero Marchetti (Contributor), Serge Goldman (Contributor), Tony Lahoutte (Contributor), Luc Bouwens (Contributor), Decio Eizirik (Contributor) & Nick Devoogdt (Contributor)
4 okt 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
A nanobody-based tracer targeting DPP6 for non-invasive imaging of human pancreatic islets
Alexander Balhuizen (Contributor), Iris Mathijs (Contributor), Sam Massa (Contributor), Jean-Valery Turatsinze (Contributor), Jens De Vos (Contributor), Stéphane Demine (Contributor), Catarina Xavier (Contributor), Olatz Villate (Contributor), Isabelle Millard (Contributor), Dominique Egrise (Contributor), Carmen Capito (Contributor), Raphael Scharfmann (Contributor), Peter In't Veld (Contributor), Piero Marchetti (Contributor), Serge Muyldermans (Contributor), Serge Goldman (Contributor), Tony Lahoutte (Contributor), Luc Bouwens (Contributor), Decio Eizirik (Contributor) & Nick Devoogdt (Speaker)
5 apr 2017 → 7 apr 2017Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Structural and functional imaging of pancreatic islets using optical coherence microscopy
Auteur: Bouwens, L. & Berclaz, C., 1 mei 2015Begeleider: Lasser, T. (Externe persoon) (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis