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1991 …2024

Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel


Research competence

Dr. ir. Marc Elskens is an environmental chemist with expertise in the domain of transformations, transport and fate of chemicals in water; water resources and quality; chemical risk assessment and stable isotope modelling. His research approach is based on the development and application of chemometric methods to environmental analysis and data mining. The past few years he became involved in the development of ERE/DRE-dual CALUX Bioassays System for the assessment of estrogen- and dioxin-like persistent organic pollutants in several matrices including food contact materials, human fluids and environmentalsamples.


Assessment of water quality in urban waters

This research aims at Investigating in which ways urban water systems satisfy to EU regulations, regarding Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for a variety of contaminants (N, P, inorganic & organic micro-pollutants). Alteration of the ecological and chemical status is a motivation for reassessing management options for both runoff and waste waters in urban environment as well as to implement mitigating strategy. Funding for this research is provided by Brussels Institute for Research and Innovation (INNOVIRIS) in the framework of ANTICIPATE and EXPLORE projects

Measuring and modelling trace metals/radionuclides in aquatic systems. Metals/radionuclides pollution in surface waters from point and non-point sources is a widespread problem worldwide. This research aims at modelling metals fate and transport in streams and watersheds. It builds on existing transport models in aquatic systems. Funding for this research is provided by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO) and by SKC PhD fellowships

Applications of 15N, 13C and 30Si tracers in isotope flux experiments. Acquisition of techniques and development of expertise for automated analysis of stable C & N isotope composition of plankton and suspended organic matter, as well as and implementation of numerical tools for assessing organic carbon export flux. Development of compartmental model analysis for data mining. Funding for this research is provided by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) and by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)

Migration of chemicals from packaging and food contact material

The safety of food contact materials must be evaluated as chemicals (inorganic and/or organic micro-pollutants) can migrate from packaging into food. Accordingly, the materials must be manufactured in compliance with EU regulations, so that any potential transfer to foods does not raise safety concerns. Funding for this research is provided by the Federal Public Service Health, Food chain safety and Environment (FOD) and/or by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).

Measurement Science in Chemistry

The Measurement Science in Chemistry consortium, involving 9 EU-universities (http://www.msc-euromaster.eu/webapp/website/website.html?id=252) organises each year a unique International Summer School on Analytical Science, Metrology and Accreditation. The school has shown to attract a variety of people, ranging from master to doctoral students, but also people, who already are employed in a laboratory. It was initiated in 2008 by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, in view of the importance of quality assured analytical measurement data for many European policies. Typically, some 40-people come together for a two-week intensive school to learn about how to obtain quality in chemical or bio-analytical measurements by understanding and practicing how to apply the international standard (ISO/IEC-17025) and of the role of metrology and accreditation. Funding for this summer school is provided by registration fees

Keywords and disciplines

Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Biogeochemistry, Chemometric, Applied Statistic, Water Quality, Risk Assessment

Externe posities

Guest Professor , KU Leuven

okt 2006 → …


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