Foto van Maurice De Greef
  • Bron: Scopus
  • Berekend op basis van aantal in Pure opgeslagen publicaties en citaties van Scopus

Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel


Maurice de Greef is chair holder of the UNESCO Chair on Adult Education and researcher at the Brussels research centre for Innovation in Learning and Diversity (BILD) about the outcomes of education. He realized more than 150 studies in more than 200 communities throughout the world concerning the impact and success factors of education. Besides, he conducts studies focussing on societal cost beneft analysis of education. He coordinates local, regional and European projects in innovating learning-environments, strategic policy-making in education and developing strategies for approaching learners and realizing new courses in local settings. These research projects have a special focus on adult education, literacy, vocational education and training (VET), migrant education and increase of social inclusion. He is often key-note speaker on national and international conferences focussing on adult education, lifelong learning, literacy and social inclusion.

Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie

Onderwijskunde, Doctor

1 jan 200812 sep 2012

Datum van toekenning: 12 sep 2012

Externe posities

Directuer, Artéduc

1 jan 2011 → …


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