Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
Modelling the structure, properties, reactivity and reaction mechanisms of organic and organometallic compounds of biological and technological interest via the application of quantum chemistry methods.
Development, implementation and application of aromaticity indices for quantifying Hückel and Möbius aromaticity.
Design of molecular switches based on topology and/or aromaticity changes in expanded porphyrins for nanoelectronic applications.
Understanding the nature and origin of noncovalent interactions involving aromatic and aliphatic groups and their application in organic chemistry, materials science, and molecular biology.
Structure, chemical bonding and reactivity of main-group metal complexes.
Application of neural networks in Chemistry for establishing structure-activity relationships.
Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Complutense University
Datum van toekenning: 1 jul 2008
Master in Chemistry, Complutense University
Datum van toekenning: 1 jul 2005
Pedagogical Aptitude Certificate (CAP), Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación
Datum van toekenning: 1 mrt 2003
Bachelor in Chemistry, Complutense University
Datum van toekenning: 1 sep 2002
PhD Courses (210 h), University of Girona
jan 2004 → feb 2004
Externe posities
10% Professorship (10% Zelfstanding Academisch Personeel), Vrije Universiteit Brussel
jan 2016 → …
Postdoctoral researcher in the Quantum Chemistry Group (ALGC) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), initially funded by the Marie Curie Research Training Network (FP7) and, at present, funded by the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO), Vrije Universiteit Brussel
sep 2011 → …
Engaged by the Vice-presidency for Organization and Scientific Culture for the management and coordination of the project Movilab, a very important civic participation project whose budget amounted to 400.000 € in two years, CSIC
jan 2010 → aug 2011
Postdoctoral researcher in the group Peptides and arenes, Instituto de Química Orgánica General, CSIC
sep 2008 → dec 2009
PhD Student in the group Peptides and arenes (supervisor: Dr. Bernardo Herradón), Instituto de Química Orgánica General, CSIC
okt 2002 → aug 2008
Bachelor student in the group of Prof. Nazario Martín in the Faculty of Chemistry, Complutense University
okt 2001 → jun 2002
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
SRP73: SRP-Onderzoekszwaartepunt: Begrijpen, voorspellen en op maat maken van moleculaire en materiaaleigenschappen en reactiviteit door gecombineerde conceptuele en computational kwantumchemische aanpakken
De Proft, F., Tielens, F., Alonso Giner, M. & De Vleeschouwer, F.
1/11/22 → 31/10/27
Project: Fundamenteel
FWOTM1013: Rationeel moleculair ontwerp van fotoschakelaars voor niet-lineaire optische toepassingen
Desmedt, E., Alonso Giner, M. & De Vleeschouwer, F.
1/11/20 → 31/10/24
Project: Fundamenteel
Aromaticity and Magnetic Behavior in Benzenoids: Unraveling Ring Current Combinations
Leyva‐Parra, L., Pino‐Rios, R., Inostroza, D., Solà, M., Alonso, M. & Tiznado, W., 2 jan 2024, In: Chemistry – A European Journal. 30, 1, 8 blz., e202302415.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand8 Citaten (Scopus)7 Downloads (Pure) -
Aromaticity Descriptors under Isotropic Pressure
Eeckhoudt, J., De Proft, F., Alonso Giner, M., Neudecker, T. & Dellwisch, A., 24 sep 2024.Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Open AccessBestand11 Downloads (Pure) -
Aromaticity in the Spectroscopic Spotlight of Hexaphyrins
Desmedt, E., Casademont‐Reig, I., Monreal‐Corona, R., Vleeschouwer, F. D. & Alonso, M., 12 aug 2024, In: Chemistry – A European Journal. 30, 52, e202401933.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
2 Citaten (Scopus) -
Aromaticity of Benzene under Isotropic Pressure
Eeckhoudt, J., De Proft, F., Alonso Giner, M., Neudecker, T. & Dellwisch, A., 8 jul 2024.Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Open AccessBestand15 Downloads (Pure) -
Bond Lengths and Dipole Moments of Diatomic Molecules under Isotropic Pressure with the XP-PCM and GOSTSHYP Models
Eeckhoudt, J., De Proft, F., Alonso Giner, M. & Geerlings, P., 27 aug 2024, In: Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 20, 17, blz. 7430-7442 13 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
1 Citaat (Scopus)
FPU predoctoral fellows
Alonso Giner, Mercedes (Recipient), 2004
Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitively
FWO postdoctoral fellowship
Alonso Giner, Mercedes (Recipient), 2015
Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitively
I3P postgraduate fellowship
Alonso Giner, Mercedes (Recipient), 2002
Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitively
Marie Curie individual intra-european fellowship
Alonso Giner, Mercedes (Recipient), 2011
Prijs: Fellowship awarded competitively
HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access programme application (HPC1712167)
Eline Desmedt (Recipient), Freija De Vleeschouwer (Supervisor), Mercedes Alonso Giner (Supervisor) & Remco WA Havenith (Host)
28 feb 2022 → 2 apr 2022Activiteit: Written proposal
Hückel-Möbius Interconversions: A Difficult Test for Electronic Structure Methods
Mercedes Alonso Giner (Invited speaker)
26 jul 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Scheikunde (Organisatie)
Tom Bettens (Presenter), Frank De Proft (Supervisor), Mercedes Alonso Giner (Supervisor), Paul Geerlings (Supervisor), Ulrich Hennecke (Chair), Wim Versées (Jury), Freija De Vleeschouwer (Jury), Andreas Dreuw (Jury), Célia Fonseca Guerra (Jury) & Christophe Morell (Jury)
13 dec 2021Activiteit: Member of PhD committee
Scheikunde (Organisatie)
Tatiana Marianne Woller (Presenter), Mercedes Alonso Giner (Supervisor), Julia Contreras-García (Supervisor), Frank De Proft (Supervisor), Ulrich Hennecke (Chair), Freija De Vleeschouwer (Jury), Vanessa Labet (Jury), Monica Calatayud (Jury), Gabriel Merino (Jury), Eduard Matito (Jury) & Vincent Ginis (Jury)
31 aug 2021Activiteit: Member of PhD committee
Chemical Concepts for the Design of Molecular Electronic Devices
Mercedes Alonso Giner (Invited speaker)
13 dec 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Filmed scientific discussion with the Nobel Laureate Prof. Ben Feringa
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: !!Public Engagement Activities
Stereoselective reductions of 2- and 3-substituted cyclobutanones: a comparison between experiment and DFT
Auteur: Alonso Giner, M., De Proft, F., Verniest, G. & Deraet, X., jul 2017Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis
The role of different types of noncovalent bonding as Lewis-type catalysts in three prototypical Diels-Alder reactions
Auteur: Faulkner, V., De Vleeschouwer, F., De Proft, F., Hennecke, U. & Alonso Giner, M., sep 2019Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis