Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
Externe posities
Gastprofessor, Ghent University
1 feb 2023 → …
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
EU674: Innoveren voor duurzame versnellende systemen
D'Hondt, J., Tytgat, M. & D'Hondt, J.
1/03/24 → 29/02/28
Project: Fundamenteel
OZR4378: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB-USTC, WANG Zhe
7/11/23 → 6/11/27
Project: Fundamenteel
OZR4149: Een hoog-performante muontelescoop voor toepassingen in muon radiografie
1/07/23 → 30/06/26
Project: Fundamenteel
OZR4148: Bilateral cooperation within the framework of a joint doctoral project: benchfee for joint PhD VUB - HYU (South Korea), SONG Juhee
Tytgat, M., D'Hondt, J. & D'Hondt, J.
1/03/23 → 28/02/27
Project: Fundamenteel
- 462 Citaties
- 6 h-index
- 28 Article
Eco-friendly Resistive Plate Chambers for detectors in future HEP applications
Quaglia, L., Cardarelli, R., Liberti, B., Pastori, E., Proto, G., Pizzimento, L., Rocchi, A., Aielli, G., Camarri, P., Di Ciacco, A., Di Stante, L., Santonico, R., Boscherini, D., Bruni, A., Massa, L., Polini, A., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Piccolo, D., Saviano, G. & 28 anderen, , jan 2024, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1058, 5 blz., 168757.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
5 Citaten (Scopus) -
Evidence for the Higgs boson decay to a $Z$ boson and a Photon at the LHC
CMS Collaboration, 11 jan 2024, In: Phys. Rev. Lett.. 132, 2, 32 blz., 021803.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand29 Citaten (Scopus)11 Downloads (Pure) -
Improved resistive plate chambers for HL-LHC upgrade of CMS
Samalan, A., Thiel, M., Asilar, E., Tytgat, M., El Sawy, M., Alves, G. A., Marujo, F., Coelho, E. A., Da Costa, E. M., Nogima, H., Santoro, A., Fonseca De Souza, S., Damiao, D. D. J., Amarilo, K. M., Filho, M. B. F., Aleksandrov, A., Hadjiiska, R., Iaydjiev, P., Rodozov, M., Shopova, M. & 81 anderen, , mrt 2024, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1060, 6 blz., 169075.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
2 Citaten (Scopus) -
Luminosity determination using Z boson production at the CMS experiment
CMS Collaboration, 10 jan 2024, In: Eur. Phys. J. C. 84, 2024, 28 blz., 26.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand1 Citaat (Scopus)23 Downloads (Pure) -
Measurement of the $τ$ lepton polarization in Z boson decays in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV
CMS Collaboration, jan 2024, In: JHEP. 2024, 1, 54 blz., 101.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand3 Citaten (Scopus)14 Downloads (Pure)
Observation of four top quark production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV
Bols, E. S. (Creator), D'Hondt, J. (Creator), Dansana, S. (Creator), De Moor, A. (Creator), Delcourt, M. (Creator), El Faham, H. (Creator), Lowette, S. (Creator), Makarenko, I. (Creator), Müller, D. (Creator), Sahasransu, A. R. (Creator), Tavernier, S. (Creator), Tytgat, M. (Creator), Van Putte, S. (Creator), Vannerom, D. (Creator) & Stylianou, N. (Creator), HEPData, 26 mei 2023
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.138420,
Search for scalar leptoquarks produced in lepton-quark collisions and coupled to $\tau$ leptons
Bols, E. S. (Creator), D'Hondt, J. (Creator), Dansana, S. (Creator), De Moor, A. (Creator), Delcourt, M. (Creator), El Faham, H. (Creator), Lowette, S. (Creator), Makarenko, I. (Creator), Müller, D. (Creator), Sahasransu, A. R. (Creator), Tavernier, S. (Creator), Tytgat, M. (Creator), Van Putte, S. (Creator), Vannerom, D. (Creator) & Stylianou, N. (Creator), HEPData, 14 aug 2023
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.141335,
Measurement of the Higgs boson production via vector boson fusion and its decay into bottom quarks in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV
Bols, E. S. (Creator), D'Hondt, J. (Creator), Dansana, S. (Creator), De Moor, A. (Creator), Delcourt, M. (Creator), El Faham, H. (Creator), Lowette, S. (Creator), Makarenko, I. (Creator), Morton, A. (Creator), Müller, D. (Creator), Sahasransu, A. R. (Creator), Tavernier, S. (Creator), Tytgat, M. (Creator), Van Putte, S. (Creator), Vannerom, D. (Creator) & Stylianou, N. (Creator), HEPData, 14 sep 2023
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.142036,
Search for a high-mass dimuon resonance produced in association with b quark jets at $\sqrt{s}$=13 TeV
Bols, E. S. (Creator), D'Hondt, J. (Creator), Dansana, S. (Creator), De Moor, A. (Creator), Delcourt, M. (Creator), El Faham, H. (Creator), Lowette, S. (Creator), Makarenko, I. (Creator), Müller, D. (Creator), Sahasransu, A. R. (Creator), Tavernier, S. (Creator), Tytgat, M. (Creator), Van Putte, S. (Creator) & Vannerom, D. (Creator), HEPData, 21 jul 2023
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.141455,
Search for inelastic dark matter in events with two displaced muons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV
Bols, E. S. (Creator), D'Hondt, J. (Creator), Dansana, S. (Creator), De Moor, A. (Creator), Delcourt, M. (Creator), El Faham, H. (Creator), Lowette, S. (Creator), Makarenko, I. (Creator), Morton, A. (Creator), Müller, D. (Creator), Sahasransu, A. R. (Creator), Tavernier, S. (Creator), Tytgat, M. (Creator), Van Putte, S. (Creator), Vannerom, D. (Creator) & Stylianou, N. (Creator), HEPData, 20 okt 2023
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.140434,
Jaarprijs Wetenschapscommunicatie 2020
Tytgat, Michael (Recipient), 2020
Prijs: National/international honour
The ScIDEP Muon Radiography Project at the Egyptian Pyramid of Khafre
Michael Tytgat (Speaker)
4 nov 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
The T-SDHCAL Hadronic Calorimeter for a future Higgs factory
Michael Tytgat (Speaker)
10 sep 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
An Advanced Gaseous Detector-based Telescope for Muography
Michael Tytgat (Speaker)
20 jun 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
The ScIDEP Project at the Egyptian Pyramid of Khafre
Michael Tytgat (Speaker)
20 jun 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Studying Mt. Vesuvius with the Muon Radiography technique
Michael Tytgat (Speaker)
28 nov 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference