Niels De Temmerman

  • Pleinlaan 2

    1050 Brussels


  • Bron: Scopus
  • Berekend op basis van aantal in Pure opgeslagen publicaties en citaties van Scopus

Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel


  • Research on Transformable Structures within the framework of VUB Architectural Engineering). Specific field of expertise is the design and analysis of transformable structures (deployable structures and kit-of-parts systems) for architectural engineering applications. This includes topics such as Design for Change, life cycle design, circular building, adaptable building, transformable building systems, sustainable development
  • Research on Parametric Design of Structures (subtopic of Computer Aided Design). Specific field of expertise is the digital modelling of transformable structures to study the mutual relationship between their geometry, kinematic behaviour and structural response
  • Architectural design


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  • 1 Soortgelijke profielen

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