Onderzoeksoutput per jaar
Onderzoeksoutput per jaar
Laarbeeklaan 103
1090 Jette
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel
Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar
We want to investigate whether our gene of intrest is involved in pancreatic tumor growth and cancer-related cachexia and mood disturbances. Therefore, we use a murine model of pancreatic cancer, the KPC model.
Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Journal)
Onderzoeksoutput: Poster
Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Gamze Ates (Speaker), Jubril Olamide Adeyemi (Contributor), Laura De Pauw (Contributor), Liselotte Mackens (Contributor), Jarne Walckiers (Contributor), Océane Vanonckelen (Contributor), Pauline Janssen (Contributor), Olaya Lara (Contributor), Hideyo Sato (Contributor) & Ann Massie (Contributor)
Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Gamze Ates (Presenter), Jubril Olamide Adeyemi (Contributor), Laura De Pauw (Contributor), Liselotte Mackens (Contributor), Jarne Walckiers (Contributor), Océane Vanonckelen (Contributor), Pauline Janssen (Contributor), Olaya Lara (Contributor), Sato Hideyo (Contributor) & Ann Massie (Contributor)
Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Gamze Ates (Speaker), Jubril Olamide Adeyemi (Contributor), Laura De Pauw (Contributor), Liselotte Mackens (Contributor), Jarne Walckiers (Contributor), Océane Vanonckelen (Contributor), Pauline Janssen (Contributor), Olaya Lara (Contributor), Sato Hideyo (Contributor) & Ann Massie (Contributor)
Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Olaya Lara (Participant)
Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Olaya Lara (Organiser)
Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a school event
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis