• Pleinlaan 2

    1050 Brussels


  • Bron: Scopus
  • Berekend op basis van aantal in Pure opgeslagen publicaties en citaties van Scopus

Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel


Since October 2017, I am a PhD Researcher in the AMGC Research Group at the VUB working on the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction. Since October 2018, I am funded with a personal FWO PhD Fellowship. I study the petrography and geochemistry of impact ejecta material from proximal and distal K-Pg sites and I compare this with impactites from the Chicxulub crater (e.g. suevite and impact melt rock from the IODP-ICDP Exp. 364 core) to understand the sequence of events during and after the meteorite impact. In addition, I am working on various dinosaur projects with colleagues at Naturalis in Leiden, the Netherlands.




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