Activiteiten per jaar
- 1 - 50 van 95 resultaten
research stay in Japan
Raphaël Cahen (Participant) & Yasuhiro Endo (Host)
8 feb 2024 → 23 feb 2024Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Legal Advisers in Foreign Affairs : A Comparative perspective (1815-1918)
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker) & Hirofumi Oguri (Presenter)
19 feb 2024Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation
WRG Talk: dr. Piotr Kuligowski on intertwined concepts of sovereignty and representation
Frederik Dhondt (Chair), Piotr Kuligowski (Visitor), Rodrick Van Der Smissen (Participant), Stefano Cattelan (Participant), Victor Van Steendam (Participant), Slive Depotter (Participant) & Raphaël Cahen (Participant)
15 okt 2024Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
Friedrich Gentz und die internationale Ordnung um 1815
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker) & Yasuhiro Endo (Presenter)
16 apr 2024Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation
reseach stay in Japan
Raphaël Cahen (Participant) & Yasuhiro Endo (Host)
3 apr 2024 → 20 apr 2024Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Legal historicism and the french school of international law / El historicismo jurídico y la Escuela francesa de Derecho internacional.
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker) & GUILLERMO VICENTE Y GUERRERO (Presenter)
3 mei 2024Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Le congrès de Vienne et le concert européen des puissances
Raphaël Cahen (Lecturer) & Jean-Baptiste Pierchon (Organiser)
6 mrt 2023Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Making Peace around 1815
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker) & Horst Carl (Presenter)
13 dec 2023Activiteit: Talk at a public lecture/debate
Friedrich Gentz et le nouvel ordre européen
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
8 feb 2023Activiteit: Talk at a public lecture/debate
“Les jurisconsultes du Ministère des affaires étrangères et l’opinion publique (1789-1830)”
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker), Antoine Lilti (Speaker) & Keith Baker (Keynote speaker)
14 apr 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Les diplomates littérateurs
Raphaël Cahen (Chair), Adrien Lauba (Organiser), Damien Salles (Organiser) & Christine Baron (Organiser)
24 nov 2023Activiteit: Participation in conference
Symposium Justifying Peace in the Long Nineteenth-Century (1789-1914)
Raphaël Cahen (Organiser), Wouter De Rycke (Organiser), Frederik Dhondt (Participant), Martti Koskenniemi (Participant), Miroslav Sedivy (Participant), Miloš Vec (Participant), Thomas Hippler (Participant), Eliana Augusti (Participant), Jakob Zollmann (Participant), Stanislas Horvat (Participant), Hendrik Simon (Participant), Stella Ghervas (Participant), Johannes Thumfart (Participant), Stefano Cattelan (Participant), Stefaan Smis (Participant), Claudia Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez (Participant), Gustavo Prieto (Participant), Tony Joris (Participant) & Jaanika Erne (Participant)
15 sep 2023Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Étienne-Denis Pasquiee (1767-1862) : un parlementaire gallican sous la Restauration et la Monarchie de Juillet
Frederik Dhondt (Chair), Raphaël Cahen (Organiser) & Jean-Baptiste Pierchon (Organiser)
5 okt 2023 → 6 okt 2023Activiteit: Participation in conference
Ghent University (Externe Organisatie)
Florenz Volkaert (Presenter), Dirk Heirbaut (Supervisor), Frederik Dhondt (Supervisor), Freya Baetens (Examiner), Inge Van Hulle (Examiner), Raphaël Cahen (Examiner), Frank Caestecker (Jury), Gustavo Prieto (Jury) & Michel Tison (Chair)
3 nov 2023Activiteit: Supervisor of external PhD
2023 ASIL Annual Meeting
Raphaël Cahen (Participant) & León Castellanos-Jankiewicz (Participant)
31 mrt 2023Activiteit: Participation in conference
Alexandre Ribot penseur et acteur du droit des relations internationales
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker), Pierre Allorant (Contributor) & Walter Badier (Contributor)
13 jan 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
The Monroe Doctrine: History, Interpretations, Legacy
Raphaël Cahen (Organiser), Raphaël Cahen (Chair), León Castellanos-Jankiewicz (Organiser), Hendrik Simon (Organiser), Liliana Obregon (Participant), Andrei Mamolea (Participant) & Juan Pablo Scarfi (Participant)
30 nov 2023 → 2 dec 2023Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation
Legal Advisers in Foreign affairs : a comparative perspective (1789-1939)
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
10 jan 2023Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation
Commercial treaties (1860-1914): a networked history of international law and trade (Evenement)
Raphaël Cahen (Jury), Frederik Dhondt (Supervisor), Dirk Heirbaut (Supervisor), Freya Baetens (Jury), Inge Van Hulle (Jury), Gustavo Prieto (Jury) & Michel Tison (Chair)
3 nov 2023Activiteit: Member of PhD committee
Symposium: Small Powers and Maritime Neutrality.
Frederik Dhondt (Chair), Stefano Cattelan (Organiser), Raphaël Cahen (Participant), Christian Pfister-Langanay (Participant), Cathleen Sarti (Participant), Stephen Neff (Participant), John Freeman (Participant), Ed Jones Corredera (Chair), Emanuele Salerno (Participant), Nora Naguib Leerberg (Participant), Leos Müller (Participant) & Victor Wilson (Participant)
22 apr 2023Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
CORE Weekly Gathering: Transkribus Update
Frederik Dhondt (Speaker), Rodrick Van Der Smissen (Contributor), Raphaël Cahen (Contributor) & Stefano Cattelan (Contributor)
25 apr 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Chargé de conférences
Raphaël Cahen (Lecturer)
3 nov 2022 → 26 jan 2023Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Postdoctoral Researcher (Project TraCe)
Raphaël Cahen (Member)
1 sep 2022 → 31 mrt 2026Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Les professeurs allemands en Belgique, Academic and Scientific Publishers, 2022
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
30 sep 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Socio-cultural History of International Law (1789- 1871): Networks of International Lawyers and Juridification of International Relations
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
13 okt 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Les pouvoirs parlementaires et politiques en temps de crise et d’exception.
Raphaël Cahen (Member of programme committee)
21 sep 2022 → 23 sep 2022Activiteit: Participation in conference
Transnational Networks of international Lawyers and The Birth of a legal profession in Europe (1830-1873)
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
22 jun 2022 → 24 jun 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Twenty-Eighth International Conference of Europeanists
Raphaël Cahen (Participant), Stella Ghervas (Chair) & carlos Sanz (Participant)
30 jun 2022Activiteit: Participation in conference
Guest Lecture on "projets de paix perpétuelle et droit international"
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker) & Jean-Baptiste Pierchon (Presenter)
11 apr 2022Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation
Raphaël Cahen (Participant)
12 apr 2022Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
TraCe Auftaktveranstaltung
Raphaël Cahen (Participant)
13 dec 2022Activiteit: Participation in conference
La souveraineté : mutations d’un concept et d’une formule politique. France et Allemagne (XIVe–XXIe siècle)Souveränität: Konzept und Schlagwort im Wandel. Frankreich und Deutschland, 14.–21. Jahrhundert
Raphaël Cahen (Participant)
6 apr 2022 → 8 apr 2022Activiteit: Participation in conference
L&C Talk: Miroslav Sedivy, The geopolitical background of the debates on international law in the mid-19th century
Raphaël Cahen (Participant)
18 okt 2022Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
Séances de la SHD
Raphaël Cahen (Participant)
10 dec 2022Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
EUTopia Connected Learning Community Legal History: Labour Migration Launch Event: Prof. Cristiana Bastos (Univ. Lisboa)
Frederik Dhondt (Chair), Cristiana Bastos (Visitor), Alfons Aragoneses (Participant), Cristina Nogueira da Silva (Participant), Raphaël Cahen (Participant), Max Zingo Van Den Bosch (Participant), Hannah Aziza Ghulam Farag (Participant), Wouter De Rycke (Participant), Arno Swyngedouw (Participant), Elisabeth Bruyère (Organiser), Caroula Kervegan (Participant), Rosie Doyle (Participant), Katja Skrubej (Participant) & Rodrick Van Der Smissen (Participant)
21 okt 2022Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Book Launch – A Cultural History of Peace in the Age of Enlightenment
Raphaël Cahen (Participant), Stella Ghervas (Chair), David Armitage (Chair), tomaselli Sylvana (Chair) & Richard Whatmore (Chair)
24 feb 2021Activiteit: Participation in conference
L’Académie des sciences morales et politiques et le droit international
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
17 sep 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
CORE Doctoral School 14 December 2021: Ed Jones Corredera Book Launch (The Diplomatic Enlightenment)
Maria Luz González Mezquita (Chair), Julio Luis Arroyo Vozmediano (Organiser), Frederik Dhondt (Organiser), Ed Jones Corredera (Participant), Gijs Pieter Dreijer (Participant), Arno Swyngedouw (Participant), Hannah Aziza Ghulam Farag (Participant), Rodrick Van Der Smissen (Participant), Stefano Cattelan (Participant), Wouter De Rycke (Participant), Raphaël Cahen (Participant) & Núria Sallés Vikaseca (Participant)
14 dec 2021Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
CORE talk: Wouter De Rycke on Sellon and Swiss Pacifism
Frederik Dhondt (Chair), Wouter De Rycke (Participant), Raphaël Cahen (Participant), Leen Marie Elewaut (Participant), Arno Swyngedouw (Participant), Florenz Volkaert (Participant) & Rodrick Van Der Smissen (Participant)
15 feb 2021Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
« Domination, Antiquité et Égypte dans la pensée politique d’Hauterive (1754- 1830) »
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
1 nov 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Le projet européen krausiste
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
11 mrt 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Socio-cultural history of international lawyers
Raphaël Cahen (Keynote speaker)
7 jan 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
La liberté de la presse en France, Autriche, Allemagne (Prusse) et Grande-Bretagne (1789-1914)
Raphaël Cahen (Lecturer), Caroula Kervegan (Host) & Frederik Dhondt (Participant)
19 feb 2021Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Les voyages de Laboulaye (1811-1883) et Kachenovsky (1827-1872) et la fondation du droit international
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
7 okt 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Macarel: président du comité consultatif du contentieux du ministère des affaires étrangères (1849-1851)
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
2 dec 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Friedrich Gentz and the Congress of Ljubljana
Raphaël Cahen (Speaker)
12 mei 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Des vies d’avocats au XIXe et XXIe siècle – Audition du 8 février 2021
Raphaël Cahen (Participant) & Emmanuel Pierrat (Chair)
8 feb 2021Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850
Raphaël Cahen (Participant)
18 feb 2021 → 27 feb 2021Activiteit: Participation in conference