Projecten per jaar
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
EU681: Project 101160528 — IDEA: I-tools to Design and Enhance Access to justice
Giacalone, M., Salehi, S. S. & Van Doninck, J.
1/09/24 → 31/08/26
Project: Fundamenteel
BRGCON36: IPSU 2022: Digital Ius Knowledge Empowerment
Van Der Borght, K., Giacalone, M. & Salehi, S. S.
1/09/22 → 1/11/22
Project: Policy Based
EU643: Analyse van kleine vorderingen Net II
Van Der Borght, K., Giacalone, M. & Salehi, S. S.
1/03/22 → 29/02/24
Project: Fundamenteel
EU644: Conflictoplossing met gelijkwaardige algoritmen 2
Alofs, E., Giacalone, M. & Salehi, S. S.
1/06/21 → 31/05/24
Project: Fundamenteel
EU625: Op weg naar een effectievere tenuitvoerlegging van vorderingen in burgerlijke en handelszaken binnen de EU
Van Der Borght, K., Giacalone, M. & Salehi, S. S.
1/11/20 → 30/11/22
Project: Fundamenteel
Beyond Wooden Desks: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Reshaping the Role of Court Staff
Salehi, S. S. & Gioia, G., 9 jan 2025, (Accepted/In press) The Heroes of the Judicial Periphery: Court Experts, Court Clerks, and Other Actors in the Shadows. Uzelac, A. & Voet, S. (redactie). 1st redactie Hart Publishing, blz. 358-376 19 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Chapter
Small Claims, Digitalisation, and EU Market
Giacalone, M. (redactie), Gioia, G. (redactie), Van der Borght, K. (redactie) & Salehi, S. S. (redactie), 2023, Brussels: Academic and Scientific Publishers nv. 251 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Book › Research
Open AccessBestand137 Downloads (Pure) -
An Empirical Study on Mediation in Civil and Commercial Disputes in Europe: The Mediation Service Providers Perspective
Giacalone, M. & Salehi, S. S., 2022, In: Revista ítalo-española de Derecho Procesal. 2022, 2, blz. 11-54 44 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access -
E-negotiation in EU: Current Experiences, Challenges, and New Scenarios
Giacalone, M. & Salehi, S. S., 2022, Frontiers in Civil Justice. Kramer, X., Hoevenaars, J., Kas, B. & Themeli, E. (redactie). Edward Elgar, blz. 169-191 23 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Chapter › peer review
Open Access -
Online Negotiation in Europe
Giacalone, M. & Salehi, S. S., 8 sep 2022, Digital Transformation of ODR. Elisavetsky, A. & Marun, M. V. (redactie). Lumen JurisOnderzoeksoutput: Chapter › peer review
Open Access
Enhancing Consumer Access to Justice with Generative AI-driven Online Dispute Resolution
Marco Giacalone (Supervisor) & Seyedeh Sajedeh Salehi (Contributor)
2 apr 2024Activiteit: Written proposal
Breaking Barriers in the EU Digital Market: Improving Consumer Access to Justice with AI-driven Online Dispute Resolution
Kim Van Der Borght (Supervisor), Marco Giacalone (Contributor) & Seyedeh Sajedeh Salehi (Contributor)
3 apr 2023Activiteit: Written proposal
Effective Enforcement of Cross-border Debt Recovery within the EU
Jachin Van Doninck (Lecturer) & Seyedeh Sajedeh Salehi (Speaker)
30 mrt 2023Activiteit: Talk at a school event
ETHOS (ETHical Online diSpute reSolution)
Seyedeh Sajedeh Salehi (Contributor)
dec 2023 → jan 2024Activiteit: Written proposal
Beyond Wooden Desks: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Reshaping the Role of Court Staff
Seyedeh Sajedeh Salehi (Speaker) & Gina Gioia (Speaker)
29 mei 2023 → 2 jun 2023Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference