Projecten per jaar
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
- 1 Afgelopen
FWOTM771: Exosomale communicatie bij Multipel Myeloom: vriend of vijand?
1/10/15 → 30/09/19
Project: Fundamenteel
Aberrante DNA-methylatie in multipel myeloom: een obstakel of een opportuniteit?
Muylaert, C., Faict, S. & De Bruyne, E., mei 2023, In: OncoHemato. 17, 2, blz. 15-19 5 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Scientific review › peer review
Open AccessBestand38 Downloads (Pure) -
Metformin confers sensitisation to syrosingopine in multiple myeloma cells by metabolic blockage and inhibition of protein synthesis
Van der Vreken, A., Oudaert, I., Ates, G., Faict, S., Vlummens, P., Satilmis, H., Fan, R., Maes, A., Massie, A., De Veirman, K., De Bruyne, E., Vanderkerken, K. & Menu, E., 28 mrt 2023, In: Journal of pathology. 260, 2, blz. 112-123 12 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open AccessBestand13 Citaten (Scopus)56 Downloads (Pure) -
Does Ibrutinib impact outcomes of viral infection by SARS-CoV-2 in mantle cell lymphoma patients?
Faict, S., Alsuliman, T., Malard, F., Genthon, A., Brissot, E., Van de Wyngaert, Z., Ikhlef, S., Banet, A., Lapusan, S., Sestili, S., Corre, E., M'hammedi-Bouzina, F., Schaeffer, L., Legrand, O., Dulery, R., Mohty, M. & Marjanovic, Z., jan 2021, In: Current research in translational medicine. 69, 1, 103273.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access3 Citaten (Scopus) -
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: When Basic Science Meets Clinical Research
Faict, S., Bécel, G., Picod, A., Bouzid, R., Veyradier, A. & Coppo, P., aug 2021, In: Hämostaseologie. 41, 4, blz. 283-293 11 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
1 Citaat (Scopus) -
AXL: A potential therapeutic target to eliminate cancer cells and improve chemotherapeutic responses in different hematological cancers
Vlummens, P., De Beule, N., Faict, S., Oudaert, I., Maes, K., De Bruyne, E., Menu, E., Vanderkerken, K. & De Veirman, K., 14 feb 2020, In: Belgian Journal of Hematology. 11, O2, blz. 9-9 1 blz., 11.Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Journal)
Best oral presentation - oncology research center day
Faict, Sylvia (Recipient), 19 okt 2018
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Early Career Scientist Scholarship
Faict, Sylvia (Recipient), mrt 2019
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
New Investigator Award Cancer and Bone Society 2018 meeting
Faict, Sylvia (Recipient), 2018
Prijs: National/international honour
- 3 Talk or presentation at a conference
Inhibition of multiple myeloma exosomes prevents bone loss and reduces tumor growth
Sylvia Faict (Speaker)
1 jul 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Inhibition of multiple myeloma exosomes prevents bone loss and reduces tumor growth.
Eline Menu (Speaker) & Sylvia Faict (Speaker)
2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Inhibition of multiple myeloma exosomes prevents bone loss and reduces tumor growth
Eline Menu (Speaker) & Sylvia Faict (Contributor)
2 feb 2018Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Exosomal Communication in Multiple Myeloma-Friend or Foe-
Auteur: Faict, S., Menu, E., Vanderkerken, K., Schots, R., Jernberg-Wiklund, H., De Wever, O., van Grunsven, L. A., Rooman, I. & Breckpot, K., 23 sep 2019Begeleider: Menu, E. (Promotor), Vanderkerken, K. (Promotor), Schots, R. (Externe persoon) (Promotor), Jerneberg-Wiklund, H. (Externe persoon) (Jury), De Wever, O. (Externe persoon) (Jury), van Grunsven, L. (Jury), Rooman, I. (Jury) & Breckpot, K. (Jury)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Doctoral Thesis