Projecten per jaar
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
- 2 Afgelopen
IOF3002: IOF Gear: Industriële valorisatie van intelligente structurele gezondheids- en gebruiksbewaking strategieën voor sleuteltoepassingen
Guillaume, P., Helsen, J., Devriendt, C., Vanlanduit, S., Devriendt, C., De Baere, D. J., Ertveldt, J. & Verstraeten, T.
1/01/18 → 31/12/23
Project: Toegepast
FWOSB27: Robuuste Vlootsgewijde Reinforcement Learning
Nowe, A., Verstraeten, T. & Helsen, J.
1/01/17 → 31/12/20
Project: Fundamenteel
Fatigue crack detection in planetary gears: Insights from the HUMS2023 data challenge
Peeters, C., Wang, W., Blunt, D., Verstraeten, T. & Helsen, J., 15 apr 2024, In: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 212, blz. 1-26 26 blz., 111292.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
3 Citaten (Scopus) -
Hyperparameter tuning framework for calibrating analytical wake models using SCADA data of an offshore wind farm
Binsbergen, D. V., Daems, P-J., Verstraeten, T., Nejad, A. R. & Helsen, J., 12 jul 2024, In: Wind Energy Science. 9, 7, blz. 1507-1526 20 blz., 7.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access1 Citaat (Scopus) -
Insights in wind field reconstruction from two nacelles' LiDAR in the same offshore wind farm
Marini, R., Vratsinis, K., Daems, P-J., Verstraeten, T. & Helsen, J., 2024, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1 redactie IOP Publishing, Vol. 2875. blz. 012014 10 blz. (Journal of Physics: Conference Series).Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper
Open Access -
Performance comparison of analytical wake models calibrated on a large offshore wind cluster
Binsbergen, D. V., Daems, P-J., Verstraeten, T., Nejad, A. R. & Helsen, J., 1 jun 2024, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2767, 9, 12 blz., 092059.Onderzoeksoutput: Article › peer review
Open Access1 Citaat (Scopus) -
Power prediction using high-resolution SCADA data with a farm-wide deep neural network approach
Daenens, S., Vervlimmeren, I., Verstraeten, T., Daems, P-J., Nowe, A. & Helsen, J., 30 mei 2024, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2767, 9, 10 blz., 092014.Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper
Open Access
ICTAI Best student paper award
Gomez Marulanda, Felipe (Recipient), Libin, Pieter (Recipient) & Verstraeten, Timothy (Recipient), 7 nov 2018
Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)
Fault detection and degradation trending using hybrid intelligence techniques and multi-source transfer learning
Faras Jamil (Recipient), Jan Helsen (Supervisor), Cédric Peeters (Supervisor), Timothy Verstraeten (Supervisor) & Ann Nowe (Supervisor)
1 nov 2022 → 31 okt 2026Activiteit: Written proposal
Novel hybrid gearbox signal model development for condition monitoring
Kayacan Kestel (Speaker), Cédric Peeters (Contributor), Timothy Verstraeten (Contributor) & Jan Helsen (Contributor)
25 mei 2021 → 28 mei 2021Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Fleet Control using Coregionalized Gaussian Process Policy Iteration
Timothy Verstraeten (Speaker)
29 aug 2020 → 8 sep 2020Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Fleet-Wide Policy Iteration using Gaussian Processes
Timothy Verstraeten (Speaker)
28 feb 2020Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Thompson Sampling for Factored Multi-Agent Bandits
Timothy Verstraeten (Speaker)
9 mei 2020 → 13 mei 2020Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Modeling Exoskeleton-Assisted Human Motion Using Gaussian Processes
Auteur: Verstraeten, T., sep 2015Begeleider: Harutyunyan, A. (Advisor) & Nowe, A. (Promotor)
Scriptie/Masterproef: Master's Thesis