Activiteiten per jaar
- 30 resultaten
Learning democracy through activism- the global climate strike movement and Belgian youth’s democratic experience in times of environmental emergency
Ronald Crouzé (Speaker), Louise Jeanne Marie Godard (Speaker), Tom Vanwing (Contributor) & Pieter Meurs (Contributor)
1 sep 2022Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Small Great Project
Yano Truyers (Contributor), Mark Kaahwa (Host) & Tom Vanwing (Advisor)
2021 → 2023Activiteit: Consultancy
Leverage points conference 2019
Adriana Moreno Cely (Speaker), Cesar Escobar (Contributor), Dario Cuajera (Contributor), Nelson Tapia (Contributor) & Tom Vanwing (Contributor)
6 feb 2019 → 8 feb 2019Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Community resilience in the context of large-scale gold mining.The case of the Paramaca Maroon Community in Suriname. (Evenement)
Lieselotte Vaneeckhaute (Presenter), Tom Vanwing (Supervisor), Wolfgang Jacquet (Supervisor), Willem Elias (Chair), Free De Backer (Jury), Liesbeth De Donder (Jury), Randy van Zichem (Jury) & Marc Craps (Jury)
2017Activiteit: Member of PhD committee
Key Note start of the academic year 'ICT in Education': Teachers as Change Agents'
Tom Vanwing (Speaker)
nov 2016Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation
Voices for Sustainable Development Goals
Tom Vanwing (Organiser)
17 jan 2016Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
Teammember Project 6: INTERDISCIPLINARY LEARNING COMMUNITIES AS A DRIVING FORCE FOR ACADEMIC CAPACITY BUILDING (Transversal Project) IUC Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" (UCB) - Bolivia
Tom Vanwing (Member)
2016 → …Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Presentation (together with Henry Ori & Loek Schoenmakers) of the book:'Samen duurzaam onderwijs realiseren'.
Tom Vanwing (Presenter)
apr 2015Activiteit: Talk at a public lecture/debate
Putting people in the center of development through INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS & NETWORKING
Tom Vanwing (Member)
apr 2015Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation
Bachelor ICT in Education: Teaching Modules 3 & 8: System Thinking & Sustainable Development in Education
Tom Vanwing (Member)
2015 → …Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
The importance of social and cultural adaptation in locally managed marine areas in Vietnam, case study Trao reef
Bieke Abelshausen (Presenter), Tom Vanwing (Contributor) & Tuan Le Xuan (Contributor)
2014Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
4-day seminar: Towards a Sustainable University
Tom Vanwing (Member)
sep 2014Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Team Member VLIR-IUC Project 1: Strengthening Institutional capacity in teaching, research and community outreach services.
Tom Vanwing (Member)
1 apr 2013 → …Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
XIV encuentro internacional VIRTUAL EDUCA 2013
Tom Vanwing (Participant)
20 jun 2013Activiteit: Participation in conference
Key note Opening Academic Years MERSD-master programme: Armoede kom nooit alleen: een transversale benadering van het armoedevraagstuk
Tom Vanwing (Speaker)
15 okt 2012Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation
Organization of American States (Externe Organisatie)
Tom Vanwing (Member)
2011Activiteit: Work on academic committees and working groups
Educatie voor duurzame ontwikkeling Suriname en België voor dezelfde mondiale uitdaging? Interactieve lezing
Tom Vanwing (Speaker)
15 feb 2011 → 31 mrt 2011Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
BROUSSEL, Door het bos de Agogen zien (Tijdschrift)
Tom Vanwing (Editor)
2010Activiteit: Editorial activity
Projectleader VLIR-IUC-ADEKUS: Teaching and Phd- & Masterthesis Guidance withing the VLIRIUC-programme 3: Master for Education and Research for Sustainable DevelopmentCourses: Sustainable Development: Educational theories and International Policy; Community Development: discourse, theories and paradigms; Voices for Sustainable Development Goals; Preliminairy Thesis. 3 visits a year.
Tom Vanwing (Supervisor)
1 apr 2008 → 31 dec 2018Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Tom Vanwing (Participant)
3 nov 2008Activiteit: Participating in or organizing a public lecture/debate
Citizenne Vormingsplus Brussel (Volkshogeschool ) (Externe Organisatie)
Tom Vanwing (Member)
2008 → 2012Activiteit: Membership of external research organisation
VLIR - UOS (Externe Organisatie)
Tom Vanwing (Member)
2007 → 2018Activiteit: Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Citizenne Vormingsplus Brussel (Volkshogeschool ) (Externe Organisatie)
Tom Vanwing (Advisor)
2005 → …Activiteit: Work on advisory panels for social, community and cultural engagement
Connections Conference
Tom Vanwing (Speaker)
4 sep 2003 → 6 sep 2003Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Medewerking aan de introductiecursus voor beginnende sociaal-cultureel werkers, organisatie SoCiuS, sociaal-cultureel steunpunt
Tom Vanwing (Member)
14 mrt 2002 → 18 mrt 2002Activiteit: Consultancy
International Society for Comparative Adult Education (Externe Organisatie)
Tom Vanwing (Member)
2002 → 2014Activiteit: Membership of external research organisation
SoCiuS - Sociaal Cultureel Steunpunt (Externe Organisatie)
Tom Vanwing (Member)
24 apr 2001Activiteit: Membership of peer-review panel or committee
Vlaams-Nederlandse Agogendagen: Activering of zelfactivering
Tom Vanwing (Organiser)
8 mrt 2001 → 9 mrt 2001Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Lid van de overlegronde van het kabinet van de minister van Cultuur Bert Anciaux ter voorbereiding van het nieuwe decreet sociaal-cultureel volwassenenwerk inzake de landelijke volkshogescholen
Tom Vanwing (Member)
10 jun 2001 → 25 aug 2001Activiteit: Consultancy
lid van de stuurgroep m.b.t. onderzoek inzake sociaal-culturele methodieken van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Bart Ketelslegers o.l.v. Herman Baert
Tom Vanwing (Member)
15 sep 2001 → 15 mrt 2002Activiteit: Consultancy