Laureates Student Engagement Awards

Prijs: Prize (including medals and awards)


On Friday 21 September 2018 VUB proclaimed the Student Engagement Awards for the first time. This honorary certificate wants to put activism and extracurricular volunteering in the spotlight. Every VUB student could nominate a fellow student and pitch this nomination. A jury with representatives of VUB Student Affairs, the student council and student body BSGgtgv picked six laureates: Carmen Mazijn, Jimmy Hendry Nzally, Nelke Ramael, Mohamed Lamrani, Naomi Stocker and the team of party hall managers BSGas. All in their own way, these VUB students crossed boundaries, swimming against the stream if needed.

Toegekend op evenement

EvenementstitelVUB Nobel Laurates
LocatieBrussels, Belgium
Periode21 feb 2018
