Activiteiten per jaar
- 39 resultaten
language and emotion workshop
Piera Filippi (Participant)
2016Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
“Humans recognize emotional arousal in vocalizations across all classes of terrestrial vertebrates: Evidence for acoustic universals
Piera Filippi (Member)
2016Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation
Journal of Language Evolution (Tijdschrift)
Hannah Ruth Little (Guest editor)
2016Activiteit: Editorial activity
From Emotional Arousal to Interactive Communication: A Comparative Approach to Prosody in Language Evolution and Acquisition
Piera Filippi (Member)
2016Activiteit: Participating in or organizing an event at an external academic organisation
LEC Talk: An experemental investigation into modality and the emergence of structure
Hannah Ruth Little (Speaker)
17 mrt 2015Activiteit: Talk at an external academic organisation
CARTA symposium, lectures and research cooperation
Bart De Boer (Member)
15 feb 2015 → 27 feb 2015Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
ICPhS Satellite meeting: The Evolution of Phonetic Capabilities: Causes, Constraints and Consequences
Hannah Ruth Little (Organiser)
12 aug 2015Activiteit: Participation in conference
Lectures (summer school on language evolution) and discussion of cooperation on culture-biology coevolution
Bart De Boer (Member)
31 mrt 2015 → 16 apr 2015Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Cognitive Science (Tijdschrift)
Hannah Ruth Little (Peer reviewer)
18 mei 2015Activiteit: Publication peer-review
Visit of Dan Dediu Group
Hannah Ruth Little (Speaker)
27 feb 2014Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Workshop on the Evolution of Signals, Speech and Signs
Tessa Verhoef (Organiser)
14 apr 2014Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Workshop on the Evolution of Signals, Speech and Signs
Bart De Boer (Organiser)
14 apr 2014Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Research cooperation
Bart De Boer (Member)
2 jun 2014 → 10 jun 2014Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Nijmegen Lectures
Bart De Boer (Invited speaker)
27 jan 2014 → 29 jan 2014Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Visit of Dan Dediu Group
Kerem Eryilmaz (Speaker)
27 feb 2014Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Guest lecture University of Tilburg
Bart De Boer (Speaker)
19 feb 2014Activiteit: Talk at a public lecture/debate
Evolution of Language Conference
Bart De Boer (Speaker)
14 apr 2014 → 17 apr 2014Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Visit of Dan Dediu Group
Anna Van Der Ham (Speaker)
27 feb 2014Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Visit of Dan Dediu Group
Bart De Boer (Organiser)
27 feb 2014Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
From Bones to Genomes
Bart De Boer (Participant)
16 apr 2014 → 18 apr 2014Activiteit: Participation in conference
Visit of Dan Dediu Group
Katrien Beuls (Speaker)
27 feb 2014Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Visit of Dan Dediu Group
Heikki Rasilo (Speaker)
27 feb 2014Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Cognitive Science Conference
Tessa Verhoef (Participant)
31 jul 2013 → 3 aug 2013Activiteit: Participation in conference
Symposium on the evolution of Speech
Bart De Boer (Organiser)
26 sep 2013Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Symposium on the evolution of Speech
Tessa Verhoef (Organiser)
26 sep 2013Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Research cooperation
Bart De Boer (Member)
26 mei 2013 → 3 jun 2013Activiteit: Research and Teaching at External Organisation
Lecture Stefan Frank
Bart De Boer (Organiser)
3 apr 2013Activiteit: Participation in workshop, seminar
Studium Generale Lezing Groningen
Bart De Boer (Speaker)
5 mrt 2013Activiteit: Talk at a public lecture/debate
Cognitive Science Conference
Bart De Boer (Participant)
31 jul 2013 → 3 aug 2013Activiteit: Participation in conference
Evolution of Language Conference (EVOLANG 9)
Bart De Boer (Speaker)
14 mrt 2012 → 16 mrt 2012Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference
Tokyo Evolutionary Linguistics Forum
Bart De Boer (Speaker)
19 mrt 2012Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Constructive Approaches to Language Evolution
Bart De Boer (Keynote speaker)
13 mrt 2012Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Dag van de Fonetiek Keynote Lecture
Bart De Boer (Keynote speaker)
31 dec 2012Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
Origins of Complex Communication and Language: Epigenetic Modeling and Ethological Observation
Bart De Boer (Keynote speaker)
5 jul 2012 → 8 jul 2012Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a workshop/seminar
External Examiner of Evolution of Language and Cognition MSc, Univeristy of Edinburgh
Bart De Boer (Member)
1 jan 2010 → 31 dec 2014Activiteit: Consultancy