ALIZ-E: Aangepaste Strategieen voor duurzame lange termijn sociale interactie

  • Sahli, Hichem (Administrative Promotor)
  • Belpaeme, Tony (Coördinator)



From theory to practice: Methods for an adaptive and prolonged child-robot interaction
The goal of ALIZ-E is to develop novel methods for developing and testing interactive, mobile robots which will be able to socially interact with human users over extended periods of time, i.e. a possibly non-continuous succession of interactions which can refer back to, and build forth on, previous experiences. To demonstrate and evaluate the scientific methods, ALIZ-E will instantiate and evaluate these methods in a succession of integrated systems that interact with hospitalized children undergoing diabetes treatment.
The theory and practice of ALIZ-E will impact on theoretical cognitive systems research (e.g., memory, long-term affective interaction), implementation (e.g., cloud computing for cognitive systems, speech processing for young users) and ultimately commercial applications of these technologies.
Effectieve start/einddatum1/03/1031/08/14

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • (Bio)medical engineering
  • Mathematical sciences and statistics
  • Electrical and electronic engineering


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