Amidst the ongoing post-crisis conjuncture marked by a permanent state of fiscal austerity, business as usual scenarios for urban and regional development that center on financial and business services, high tech, and real estate are increasingly exposed as erratic and extractive. Frustrations with the polarized outcomes of anemic neoliberal development and growing enclosures into financial modes of accumulation have sparked important counter-narratives. A particularly empowering economic imaginary is the one of the foundational economy. The foundational economy seeks to recalibrate the development and policy debate around those activities that are rooted in place, that can be sheltered from interurban competition, and that are essential for citizens to lead decent lives. As the imaginary takes hold of academic and political minds alike, this colloquium pushes onward to think about how we can find ways to translate imaginaries into practice and “do foundational economies” in cities.
The colloquium is organized around four half-day sessions, each introduced by a session keynote. The colloquium addresses four particular themes:
• Foundational economies and the “emancipated” local state.
• Embedding the foundational economy in citizen platforms.
• The foundational economy meets the productive city.
• Foundational economies and socio-ecological transitions.
The colloquium is organized around four half-day sessions, each introduced by a session keynote. The colloquium addresses four particular themes:
• Foundational economies and the “emancipated” local state.
• Embedding the foundational economy in citizen platforms.
• The foundational economy meets the productive city.
• Foundational economies and socio-ecological transitions.
Korte titel | Colloquium: |
Acroniem | CONO674 |
Status | Geëindigd |
Effectieve start/einddatum | 21/02/19 → 31/12/19 |
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