ENISA Research and Innovation Annual Report

  • Shahin, Jamal (PI (Promotor, Principal Investigator))
  • Pereira Silvestre, Sara da Conceicao (Medewerker)



The tasks will be in particular to:
*Review and interpret the results produced by ENISA foresight capability, on emerging challenges and opportunities from a research and innovation perspective
*Describe the research and innovation cycle for cybersecurity products and services in the EU. Identify and analyze any potential gaps and process
*Take account of ongoing research, development, and technological assessment activities carried out by the various Union research organizations. Identify any existing cybersecurity research infrastructure in the EU.
*Acknowledge the work from standardization bodies 9CEN, CENELEC, and ETSI) to identify opportunities for research of cybersecurity products and services.
*Describe the EU cybersecurity market, and identify the areas where the EU could increase its competitiveness. Contribute to the analysis of emerging cybersecurity market trends from the demand and supply side.
*Prepare a list of recommendations aligned with EU digital strategy and policy priorities.
Effectieve start/einddatum29/04/2130/09/21


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