State of the art study of research on the quantity and quality of women's participation in European Political, Social and Economic Decision Making



This study will assess the existing research on women in Europe's political economic and social decision making at national, local and European level in all EU countries plus Norway. A supplementary report will be produced on EU institutions and cross - national European research. The aims of the study are - to identify and specify the kinds of research that are necessary to provide and adequate account of women's roles in decision making. - to identify examples of good practice in research that can be replicated in EU and EEA states. - to identify gaps in the research on woman in decision making in European Union and EEA countries and in the organisations and institutions involved in EU decision making. - to identify potential national and international sources of funding for future comparative research in this area. - to prioritise areas od study and research that will most contribute to the promotion of a qualitative and quantitative gender balance in decision making.
Effectieve start/einddatum21/03/9715/07/97

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Pedagogical and educational sciences


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