Duurzame batterijen (SUBAT)



Levenscyclusanalyse (LCA) van batterijen voor elektrische aangedreven voertuigen

A thorough knowledge of the environmental balance of all available battery systems is necessary to back any decision to incriminate nickel-cadmium batteries. The SUBAT (Sustainable Batteries) project aimed to make a comprehensive assessment of commercially available and forthcoming battery technologies, comparing them with nickelcadmium.

The work was built on three pillars:

1. Technical assessment

Today's electrically propelled vehicles are high-performance systems with extended technical constraints on components. The on-board electrical energy storage system, the battery, can be considered the most critical component.

SUBAT considered all battery types on the world market, including but not limited to lead-acid, nickel-metal hydride, sodium-nickel-chloride, lithium-ion, lithium-polymer and zinc-air, and of course nickel-cadmium, comparing their performances, whilst taking into account the status of these batteries as to their availability as commercial products.

2. Environmental assessment

Batteries are electrochemical systems using reactive chemicals. The environmental performance of all considered battery types were assessed in order to be able to give them an environmental score which can designate them as being a sustainable solution or not. This was based on a Life Cycle Assessment.

3. Economical assessment

The battery system is the single most expensive component of the electrically propelled vehicles, and its cost is thus a main critical item to determine the viability of the electric vehicle on the market.

Finally all aspects were evaluated together on the basis of a multicriteria analysis. Through this multidisciplinary approach, SUBAT allowed to define an overall view of all aspects of the electric and hybrid vehicle battery market, in order to provide the Commission with a valuable policy support document which will assist in tracing the pathways for the sustainable transport of the future.

Korte titelSUBAT
Effectieve start/einddatum1/01/0431/03/05


  • batterijen
  • elektrische voertuigen
  • hybride voertuigen

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Mechanical and manufacturing engineering
  • Electrical and electronic engineering
  • (Bio)chemical engineering
  • Civil and building engineering


Verken de onderzoeksgebieden die bij dit project aan de orde zijn gekomen. Deze labels worden gegenereerd op basis van de onderliggende prijzen/beurzen. Samen vormen ze een unieke vingerafdruk.
  • EET-2007

    Julien Matheys (Speaker)

    30 mei 20072 jun 2007

    Activiteit: Talk or presentation at a conference

  • EET-2007

    Joeri Van Mierlo (Organiser)

    30 mei 20072 jun 2007

    Activiteit: Participation in conference

  • EET-2007

    Peter Van Den Bossche (Organiser)

    30 mei 20072 jun 2007

    Activiteit: Participation in conference