De affectieve mechanismen onderliggend aan (de relatie tussen) extra-rol gedrag en contraproductief gedrag



    We propose a theoretical framework that explains (1) the mechanisms that trigger OCB and CWB, and (2) the mechanisms by which OCB and CWB mutually influence each other. Regarding (1), it is theorized that OCB-eliciting demands elicit different emotions, and that depending on the action readiness tendencies that are associated with these emotions, OCB or CWB is triggered. For (2), a similar affective mechanism holds: OCB/CWB in itself gives rise to a specific emotion, and this emotion elicits OCB, CWB, or withdrawal depending on the corresponding action readiness tendencies. Studying the mechanisms underlying and the connections between OCB and CWB implies a shift from the between-subject to the within-subjects level. This will be done by combining lab experiments, day reconstruction studies and experience sampling research.
    Effectieve start/einddatum1/01/1331/12/16

    Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

    • Social psychology
    • Applied psychology
    • Behavioural neuroscience
    • General psychology
    • Social behaviour and social action


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