Integrated modelling of the urban development, mobility and air pollution analysis in the BCR: Policy measures bases on environmental friendly vehicle technologies.



Integrated modelling of the urban development, mobility and air pollution analysis in the BCR : Policy measures bases on environmental friendly vehicle technologies. (onderzoekr : Joeri VAN MIERLO)

The general objective of this project is to define and compare several transport policies through the use of a simulation tool, aiming on the environmental and energetical effect of traffic and focusing on the introduction of alternative energy sources.

The first part is dedicated to software development and data collection. Hence an improved an up-to-data software package will be developed. It consists in 6 different tasks:

+ Task 1: Traffic Software Assessment (TRIPS, TRANUS)

+ Task 2: Traffic Data Collection & Updating

(most recent O/D matrixes, forecasts for 2005, 2010, 2020)

+ Task 3: Vehicle Data Collection (new vehicle technologies)

+ Task 4: Emission Factors Updating (COPERT II -> III)

+ Task 5: Dynamic Modelling

+ Task 6: Speed Profile Development

The second part is devoted to the assessment of new policy measures. Based on the new and improved software package and new and updated data different scenarios will be evaluated on the level of mobility, environment and sustainable development. In this assessment environmental friendly innovative vehicle technologies will be considered. This second part is subdivided in 5 different tasks:

+ Task 1: Restrictions on transport in certain areas

+ Task 2: Deployment of automatic rent-a-car systems with innovative vehicles

+ Task 3: Development of goods distribution centres with electric and hybrid vehicles

+ Task 4: Introduction of environmental friendly vehicles buses

+ Task 5: Other policy mobility measures with environmental friendly vehicles

A last part includes an analysis and interpretation of the results and proposals for new policy measures. Hence recommendations for a sustainable mobility and measures necessary to reduce the air pollution will be an important output of the study.

Effectieve start/einddatum1/04/0231/03/04

Flemish discipline codes in use since 2023

  • Mechanical and manufacturing engineering
  • Civil and building engineering


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