ViolenceStop: Protocols for the Care and Protection of Women and Children in Cuba



This project proposes a cooperation between teams from the VUB (Belgium) program and the UCLV (Cuba), aiming to develop adequate and modern care and protections mechanisms for women and children subjected
to physical, psychological, sexual and financial violence in Cuba. This project will involve an exchange of academic and practitioners’ experiences and best practices between the researchers, a number of relevant Belgian institutions, and Cuban public and non-governmental stakeholders. The treatment of gendered
violence and violence against children in Cuba presents methodological and normative deficiencies despite an existing legal foundation, and lacks an integrated approach; this projects thus aims to address potential
practices, methodologies and strategies to improve protection mechanisms and care protocols for women and children, for the purpose of formulating proposals for the Cuban context.
Effectieve start/einddatum1/09/2231/08/24


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