A general protocol for the generation of Nanobodies for structural Biology

Els Pardon, Toon Laeremans, Sarah Triest, Soren G. F. Rasmussen, Armin Ruf, Serge Muyldermans, Wim G. J. Hol, Brian K Kobilka, Jan Steyaert

Onderzoeksoutput: Articlepeer review

504 Citaten (Scopus)
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There is growing interest in using antibodies as auxiliary tools to crystallize proteins. Here we describe a general protocol for the generation of Nanobodies to be used as crystallization chaperones for the structural investigation of diverse conformational states of flexible (membrane) proteins and complexes thereof. Our technology has a competitive advantage over other recombinant crystallization chaperones in that we fully exploit the natural humoral response against native antigens. Accordingly, we provide detailed protocols for the immunization with native proteins and for the selection by phage display of in vivo-matured Nanobodies that bind conformational epitopes of functional proteins. Three representative examples illustrate that the outlined procedures are robust, making it possible to solve by Nanobody-assisted X-ray crystallography in a time span of 6-12 months.
Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)674-693
Aantal pagina's20
TijdschriftNature Protocols
StatusPublished - 27 feb 2014


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