A History of Creole Studies

Silvio Moreira de Sousa, Johannes Mücke, Philipp Krämer

Onderzoeksoutput: Other contribution


As an institutionalized subfield of academic research, Creole studies (or Creolistics) emerged in the second half of the 20th century on the basis of pioneering works in the last decades of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century. Yet its research traditions—just like the Creole languages themselves—are much older and are deeply intertwined with the history of European colonialism, slavery, and Christian missionary activities all around the globe. Throughout the history of research, creolists focused on the emergence of Creole languages and their grammatical structures—often in comparison to European colonial languages. In connection with the observations in grammar and history, creolists discussed theoretical matters such as the role of language acquisition in creolization, the status of Creoles among the other languages in the world, and the social conditions in which they are or were spoken. These discussions molded the way in which the acquired knowledge was transmitted to the following generations of creolists.

Originele taal-2English
Mijlpalentype toekennenHandbook article: Overview of the history of research on Creole languages
OutputmediaOnline handbook
Aantal pagina's51
StatusPublished - 26 apr 2019


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