A Numerical Framework for Electrochemistry - Application to the study of gas-evolving electrochemical reactions

Pedro MacIel

Onderzoeksoutput: PhD Thesis


Production of gas is observed in many industrial electrochemical processes, in some cases as the goal while in others as the unwanted result of side reactions. Due to the multi-physical and multi-scale nature of the phenomena involved, the gas phase is often neglected. It does, however, exert a strong influence at several levels, ranging from the hydrodynamics, to the mass and charge transfers in the reactor. With the aim of improving the reliability of industrial reactor simulations, this work introduces new modelling approaches, ranging from supersaturation as the mechanism for gas formation, to bubble nucleation, growth and detachment from the reactor surfaces, and to accounting for the gas phase movement in the electrolyte, both in momentum exchange with the flow and the adjustment in electrolyte conductivity. Several couplings between the liquid and gas phases and electrochemistry are realised, and promising results are obtained.
Originele taal-2English
Toekennende instantie
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Deconinck, Johan, Promotor
Plaats van publicatieBrussels
StatusPublished - 2011


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