A Soft Pneumatic Actuator with Integrated Deformation Sensing Elements Produced Exclusively with Extrusion Based Additive Manufacturing

Antonia Georgopoulou Papadonikolaki, Lukas Egloff, Bram Vanderborght, Frank Clemens

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paperResearch

4 Citaten (Scopus)


In recent years, soft pneumatic actuators have come into the spotlight because of their simple control and the wide range of complex motions. To monitor the deformation of soft robotic systems, elastomer-based sensors are being used. However, the embedding of sensors into soft actuator modules by polymer casting is time consuming and difficult to upscale. In this study, it is shown how a pneumatic bending actuator with an integrated sensing element can be produced using an extrusion-based additive manufacturing method, e.g., fused deposition modeling (FDM). The advantage of FDM against direct printing or robocasting is the significantly higher resolution and the ability to print large objectives in a short amount of time. New, commercial launched, pellet-based FDM printers are able to 3D print thermoplastic elastomers of low shore hardness that are required for soft robotic applications, to avoid high pressure for activation. A soft pneumatic actuator with the in situ integrated piezoresistive sensor element was successfully printed using a commercial styrene-based thermoplastic elastomer (TPS) and a developed TPS/carbon black (CB) sensor composite. It has been demonstrated that the integrated sensing elements could monitor the deformation of the pneumatic soft robotic actuator. The findings of this study contribute to extending the applicability of additive manufacturing for integrated soft sensors in large soft robotic systems.
Originele taal-2English
TitelEngineering Procedings I3S2021Dresden-10097
UitgeverijMDPI AG
Aantal pagina's5
StatusPublished - 17 mei 2017
Evenement8th International Symposium on Sensor Science - Online
Duur: 15 mei 2021 → …


Conference8th International Symposium on Sensor Science
Periode15/05/21 → …
Internet adres


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