Adult learners in blended environments: how they learn and motivate themselves

Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished abstract


In blended education, learners are particularly designated on their own. They have to find efficient learning strategies and deal with difficulties. Since adult learners (AL) have multiple responsibilities and their previous educational experiences probably less included internet, learning independently is challenging. Adult education is mostly voluntarily which makes dropping out an easy solution when facing difficulties. To be able to support AL in this autonomous process, teachers need to know how AL self-regulate their learning and motivation. Therefore, through 16 semi-structured interviews with AL in blended courses, the current study explores how AL tackle their learning contents and motivate themselves when encountering difficulties. Important results emerging from inductive content analysis are: AL 1) do not use specific self-motivation strategies; 2) mostly learn a printed version of the online syllabus; 3) mostly use organizing and elaborating strategies to learn; 4) have flexible learning times and learn in an environment with possible distractions; and 5) report diverse help-seeking strategies. The current study provides information on what teachers can do to promote learners’ motivations and to support AL way of learning.
Originele taal-2English
StatusUnpublished - 2017
EvenementEAPRIL - Häme University of Applied Sciences, Hämeenlinna, Finland
Duur: 29 nov 20171 dec 2017




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