Agricultural Activities in the 10th–13th Century CE in Brussels (Belgium): An Interdisciplinary Approach

Luc Vrydaghs, Yannick Devos, Paulo Charruadas, Linda Scott Cummings, Ann Degraeve

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapterpeer review

Originele taal-2English
TitelAgricultural and Pastoral Landscapes in Pre-Industrial Society: Choices, Stability and Change
RedacteurenF. Retamero, I. Schjellerup, A. Davies
Plaats van productieOxford
UitgeverijOxbow Books
ISBN van geprinte versie9781842173596
StatusPublished - 2016

Publicatie series

NaamEarly Agricultural Remnants and Technical Heritage (EARTH): 8000 Years of Resilience and Innovation

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