Air pollution generated by freight transport vehicles in Brussels: a dynamic approach to measure the real impact

Onderzoeksoutput: Unpublished abstract

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Air pollution is considered the largest threat to human health, a large share of these transport-related emissions being attributable to freight transport. The associated external costs of air pollution are directly linked to the number of vicinal receptors. Studies so far have only considered the static link between the presence of the emission source and the number of its vicinal receptors, often based on the home location, as such making abstraction of individual travel patterns. This research combines both dynamic receptor densities and freight transport emission sources.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's1
StatusPublished - 25 apr 2019
EvenementResistance is in the Air / Etats Généraux de l’Air de Bruxelles (25-27 April 2019) - Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Duur: 25 apr 201927 apr 2019


ConferenceResistance is in the Air / Etats Généraux de l’Air de Bruxelles (25-27 April 2019)
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