"An assessment of the impact of sport development on sport participation ?” An assessment of the impact of sport development on elite sport success.

M. Van Bottenburg, Veerle De Bosscher

Onderzoeksoutput: Chapterpeer review


There are many definitions of sport development, reflecting the past and current mix of objectives of varying involved principal agents and the changing political, economic, ideological, and cultural background in which they operated. These definitions can all be positioned along two axes: first, the axis between encouraging people to become physically active on the one hand (sport for all), and producing elite athletes through talent development on the other (elite sport); and second, the axis between creating the pathways and structures to enable people to participate and perform in sport on the one hand (development of sport), and using sport as a vehicle to achieve non-sport policy goals on the other (development through sport) (Houlihan & White, 2002). In assessing the impact of sport development on sport participation, this chapter focuses on a specific part of the space created by these two axes. Whereas the penultimate chapter concentrated on the development through sport, this chapter will focus on the development of sport; and contrary to the last chapter that explored the impact of sport development on elite sport, this chapter will tackle its impact on sport participation.
Originele taal-2English
TitelHandbook on Sport Development
RedacteurenB. Houlihan
Aantal pagina's672
ISBN van geprinte versie978-0-415-47996-7
StatusPublished - 2011

Bibliografische nota

B. Houlihan


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