Assessing Cooperation Mechanisms between Secretariats

Joachim Koops

Onderzoeksoutput: Commissioned reportResearch


During the last decade, peace operation partnerships between the United Nations (UN) and regional organizations have advanced considerably both in operational and institutional terms. With the growing involvement of regional organizations in the area of peacekeeping, coordination between the UN and its potential partners is important in order to avoid duplication or outright inter-organizational rivalry. Recognizing that institutionalised relations between the UN and emerging peacekeeping actors such as the European Union (EU), African Union (AU) and even NATO can lead to beneficial burden- sharing and mutual reinforcement, organizations have made conscious efforts to move from ad-hoc cooperation to more permanent and predictable mechanisms. Effective peace operations partnerships depend on coherent and strategically structured relations at the inter-secretariat level: different organizational cultures, agendas and approaches need to be systematically integrated. Despite some progress in UN-EU, UN-AU and UN-NATO relations, significant challenges persist in designing, maintaining and improving inter- organizational schemes for peace operations.
Originele taal-2English
UitgeverijCenter for International Peace Operations (ZIF)
Opdrachtgevend orgaanCenter for International Peace Operations
Aantal pagina's4
StatusPublished - 2 aug 2012


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