Bargain effectiveness in differentiated store environments: When a good deal goes bad

Lieve Doucé, Kim Willems, Wim Janssens

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


Differentiation is necessary to survive in today's homogenous retail landscape. One way to differentiate is by making use of store atmospherics. However, other marketing tools such as offering a bargain might conflict with this store differentiation strategy. In study 1, an experimental consumer lab survey (n = 50) confirms that store environment differentiation generates positive consumer affect, evaluations and approach behaviour. In study 2, a 2x2 between-subjects lab experiment (n = 121) furthermore demonstrates that in a highly differentiated store the presence of bargains negatively affects consumer reactions, supporting the assumption that bargains do not fit with a premium strategy.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Conference
Plaats van productieValencia, Spain
ISBN van geprinte versie978-84-370-9453-3
StatusPublished - 3 jun 2014
Evenement43rd European Marketing Conference, EMAC 2014 - Valencia, Spain
Duur: 3 jun 20146 jun 2014


Conference43rd European Marketing Conference, EMAC 2014


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