BeLHIS: towards the integration of the longitudinal approach in the Belgian health information system

Lies Lammens, Patrick Deboosere, Ann Ingenbleek, Yves Coppieters, Dominique Doumont, William D'hoore, Alain Leveque

    Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting abstract (Book)


    Objective: The aim of this presentation is to show the results of BeLHIS (Belgian Longitudinal Health Information System), a Belgian project whose main objective is to promote the integration of a longitudinal perspective into the national Health Information System (HIS) and to illustrate recent developments in the longitudinal approach of health in our country.

    Methods: Firstly, we have analysed the Belgian privacy-related legal framework on the management of personal (health) data. Secondly, we have compared the origin and specificity of the Belgian statistical system with other statistical models in Europe. Besides, we have studied changes in the application of ICT in health-related tools and programs. Finally, we have conducted case studies on breast cancer, diabetes and arthroplasty in order to illustrate the importance of developing longitudinal indicators and prospective methodologies which can sustain a more dynamic approach of these chronic pathologies.

    Results: Recent changes in the legal framework seem to have facilitated scientific health research. Since two years, some major health and statistical institutions have independently developed a prospective view on health. Those initiatives represent a significant step towards the set up of a national health information system enriched with a longitudinal component. Nevertheless, these initiatives are mostly focusing on health care consumption, while less attention is devoted to the broader public health field. Finally, the new technology applications launched by the Belgian Administration during the last years have not yet achieved the expected outcomes.

    Conclusion: The BeLHIS project emphasizes the need of a coordination process and structure in order to provide managers, policy makers and scientists with a broader access to longitudinal health data and public health information.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelPaper presented at the 5th Conference of Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe
    StatusPublished - 13 okt 2010
    Evenement5th Conference of Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe - Paphos, Cyprus
    Duur: 13 okt 201015 okt 2010


    Conference5th Conference of Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe
    Verkorte titelCELSE 2010


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