Building a full-scale deployable dome

Lara Alegria Mira, Kelvin Roovers, Aline Vergauwen, Niels De Temmerman

Onderzoeksoutput: Conference paper


Deployable scissor structures allow a transformation from a compact state to an expanded configuration enabling them to adapt to changing needs. Many studies have been conducted on this field. However, it is known that more structural insights are gained and the complexity rises when physical models with cross-sections and joints are built. This paper reviews the construction of a full-scale prototype of a deployable scissor dome. The prototype was built, as low-tech and as low-budget as possible, as a test to go through the whole process: from a line model, to manufacturing the components, to assemble the structure manually and to test the deployment.
Originele taal-2English
TitelWorkshop Research Prototypes
Aantal pagina's4
StatusPublished - 21 feb 2013
EvenementUnknown - STAM, Ghent, Belgium
Duur: 21 feb 201321 feb 2013

Publicatie series

Naamthe Research Prototype workshop of the fifth conference on Sustainable Construction and Design (SCAD'13)


Verkorte titelSCAD'13


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